Power Struggles Causing Friction in the Iranian Regime Just Before Elections


NCRI – There are reports of high tensions between senior officials in the Iranian regime in the run-up to the presidential elections. The first vice president has drawn attention to dozens of billions of dollars that have been plundered.

The tensions in the Iranian regime come as Iran is becoming isolated from the region and the rest of the world.

Factions are revealing more facts about the huge thefts that have been committed by senior officials of the regime.
Es’hagh Jahangiri, the Vice President, said: “Dozens of billions of dollars have been stolen. The banking system had become the president’s own piggy bank during the last administration.”

“The [South Pars gas field] project had witnessed four senior officials decide to give away $1.8 billion dollars to an individual to pay the money owed to South Pars contractors. This individual instead placed this money in his own bank account and only pays $600 million, keeping the rest.”

He said that the judiciary should have acted. “In my opinion the judiciary failed to take action in this regard.”

A member of Iran’s Parliament also said that huge sums of money were stolen during the tenure of the last president. He said: “27 trillion tomans of the oil revenue was stolen.” This is approximately $7.1 billion.

Another member of the Parliament of Iran, and Ahmadinejad’s oil minister, Rostam Ghasemi, questioned: “Today they say the government has lived up to its commitments to the people. If it so, why are people still in need of 45,000 tomans in subsidies each month? Who should be ashamed about such a high number of educated young men and women who are still unemployed?”

Hassan Abbasi, a member of the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), said: “Living like nobles by those inside the establishment is spreading and corruption is institutionalized in (Rouhani’s cabinet),”

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative in Tabriz, northwest Iran, Mullah Mojtahed Shabestari, said that the corruption in the government is causing and amplifying social problems. He said that one part of society is living the high life, while the rest is struggling to survive.


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