Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Ridiculous Presidential Election Debates Scene

NCRI - The regime’s election campaign commission at the Interior Ministry made a decision during a meeting with representatives of the judiciary to ban live...

Iran: Regime Terrified of Presidential Election Farce Providing Grounds for Uprisings

NCRI - In a gathering with military commanders, Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei indicated the enemies of his regime focusing on the country’s economic...

Iran Regime Asserted to Presidential Candidates: Military Affairs Is None of Your Business

NCRI - In a written statement, Iranian army’s senior spokesman told to Iran’s sham election candidates that they should stop interfering in military and defense...

Clash of Iran Regime’s Presidential Candidates Over Unemployment: Who’s Deceiving People?

NCRI - Promise of creating jobs has turned into the top dispute between the candidates in Iranian regime’s presidential election show. Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, Tehran mayor...

Iran Regime’s Utter Panic of Uprising and Unrest During Upcoming ‘Presidential Election’

NCRI - The Iranian regime’s Intelligence Minister ‘Mahmoud Alavi’ said on Sunday March 12 that “an elections headquarter has been formed in the Ministry of...

Iran Regime’s Reaction to People’s ‘No to Sham Election” Campaign

NCRI - Iranian officials and state-run media outlets have responded widely to the “No to Sham Election” campaign launched by the Iranian people and Resistance,...
Former US House Speaker John Boehner

Fmr U.S. House Speaker John Boehner calls Iran elections ‘phony’ – The Hill

Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner was back in Washington Friday to weigh in on the Iranian elections currently...