Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran: Fear of Tensions on the Eve of Elections Show

NCRI - On the eve of the Iranian regime’s elections show, a confidential document on overdue payments of businesses, municipalities and their affiliated organizations has...

Power Struggles Causing Friction in the Iranian Regime Just Before Elections

NCRI - There are reports of high tensions between senior officials in the Iranian regime in the run-up to the presidential elections. The first vice...

Factional Feuding Flare in Iran Over May Presidential Elections

NCRI - With so-called presidential election being two months away, factional feuding is escalating among various groups within the ruling clerical establishment. On February 25th...

Iran: Factional Feuding in 2017 Presidential Election

NCRI - On Tuesday February 7, 2017, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called upon everyone to participate freely in the upcoming presidential election and taunting rival...

Iranian Resistance Leader speaks out against sham elections

Harriet Sinclair writes for the IBTimes about President elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), Maryam Rajavi’s position on the recent...

Iran- Most Young People Had Boycotted The Polls

“Head of the National Council for Resistance of Iran said most young people had boycotted the polls”, writes a news article in the Independents...

Iran- “Exiled resistance leader Maryam Rajavi called the elections a Sham”

  The front page magazine in a report on its March 1st issue, titled “Iranian Elections: The “reformers” didn’t win”, slams the claims about...
Former US House Speaker John Boehner

Fmr U.S. House Speaker John Boehner calls Iran elections ‘phony’ – The Hill

Former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives John Boehner was back in Washington Friday to weigh in on the Iranian elections currently...
Maryam Rajavi

Maryam Rajavi: No Real Choice In The Iran ‘Elections’

Western governments should respect the will of the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance to institute real democracy and popular sovereignty in Iran, Mrs....

Iran: Preparing the ground for vote rigging and astronomical number-fixings

Sham Elections – No. 3 Attempts by the Iranian regime to threaten or lure people to participate in the elections as well as astronomical...