Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Regime Fears the Recurrence of 2009 Uprising in Upcoming Presidential Elections

NCRI - Following the escalation of conflicts during the sham Presidential Election in Iran, the government warns about the endangered security in the regime. They...

Iran: Tehran’s Mayor Slams Rouhani on the Eve of Presidential Election

NCRI - The Mayor of Tehran, Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, slammed Hassan Rouhani, describing his performance as "pointless and promotional plans" over the past 4 years....

Political Prisoner Calls for Boycotting the Elections

NCRI - Political prisoner Shahin Zoghi Tabar, called for boycotting of the clerical regime’s fake elections. Under the title of “the strength or weakness”, he...

Political Prisoner in Iran: Boycott Sham Presidential Election

NCRI - Political prisoner Mehdi Farahi Shandiz, held in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj, west of Tehran, issued a statement calling on his fellow countrymen to...

Iran: Telegram’s Voice Calls Will Be Blocked at Least Until the End of Election

NCRI - Mohammad Montazeri, Iran’s Attorney General, showed his government’s fear of the Telegram messaging service and said, “Telegram’s voice calls will be blocked at...

Clash of Iran Regime’s Presidential Candidates Over Unemployment: Who’s Deceiving People?

NCRI - Promise of creating jobs has turned into the top dispute between the candidates in Iranian regime’s presidential election show. Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, Tehran mayor...

Iran: Teachers Trade Association Representative Calls for Boycotting the Election

NCRI - Representative of Khorasan (North Eastern province) Teachers Trade Association called in a statement for boycotting Iranian regime’s presidential election show. “Iran’s rulers are...

The New Year Message of Iran Regime’s Leader, Ignites Conflicts Over the ‘Presidential Election’

NCRI - The Iranian MP, Javad Karimi Ghodoosi affiliated with regime’s supreme leader Khamenei stated: “a person should be elected as the president that is...

Iran Regime’s Reaction to People’s ‘No to Sham Election” Campaign

NCRI - Iranian officials and state-run media outlets have responded widely to the “No to Sham Election” campaign launched by the Iranian people and Resistance,...

Iran: Khatami and Mashaei will not be approved to run for election, Fallahian says

NCRI - Iranian regime's former intelligence minister Ali Fallahian has declared that Rahim Mashaei and Mohmmad Khatami will not be approved to stand for...