Iran’s Sham Presidential Election Crisis, Fear of Popular Uprisings


NCRI – The Iranian regime’s inner factions are warning about the consequences of divides in the regime’s ranks and files and the issue of public hatred regarding corruption that may lead to nationwide uprisings.

“A number of people who have sold themselves and foreign enemies are seeking to weaken our establishment,” said Ghorbanali Dori Najafabadi, the representative of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Central Province.

“Senior officials have a duty to confront the enemies’ plots with all their strength,” he continued.

A piece in the state-run Arman daily reads:

“There are those who have mistaken the elections with war. It appears a number of political activists have forgotten what is the objective of these elections? They make remarks that are in favor of the enemy… if we accept the fact that the country has enemies that seek to take advantage of our economic, political, defensive and cultural issues, then not only in the elections, but we should be very much aware in all fields that the country’s enemies are constantly probing our political officials’ moves.

“Promises made to the public may transform our politics into fields of war and the resulting threats will be uncontrollable.”

Another daily, Jahan-e Sanat, of Rouhani’s faction writes:

“Fear of verbal clashes similar to that of the 2009 election and refraining from bilateral confrontations between the candidates forced the state TV and radio to hold directed debates and prevented the threat of miscalculated revelations that become uncontrollable.

“This can be through the advice provided by the country’s senior officials who seek to prevent the situation from spiraling out of control, and prevent what should not be aired or published in the media.”

Hossein Shariatmadari, Khamenei’s representative in his mouthpiece, the Kayhan, shared his thoughts and lashed out at Rouhani’s cabinet.

“This government has not only failed to distance the shadow of war, in fact the enemy has become greedier. Take a look at the past four years and you be the judge. Did they not sell the country’s interests at the lowest of all prices, in return for nothing?!!”

Former intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi also made his voice heard.

“In contrast to Rouhani’s claims, the enemy’s military option has always been on the table. So how did you prevent the enemy’s threats?” he asked.

Ali Nikzad, head of Raisi’s elections campaign also used strong remarks against Rouhani and the Iran nuclear deal.

“Unfortunately the nuclear deal is nothing but a shame for the country,” he said.

On the other hand, Vice President Eshagh Jahangiri defended Rouhani’s record and held Khamenei’s faction and Ahmadinejad’s government responsible for the current economic crisis.

“… The country’s development track was diverted. Human and substantial resources were all wasted. God knows what happened to $700 billion in revenue… $22 billion was sold in the Dubai and Istanbul markets to lower the currency rates in Tehran. They sold 30% of it to just one exchange source,” he said.

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