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HomeElection Old-News and ArticlesIran: Regime Fears the Recurrence of 2009 Uprising in Upcoming Presidential Elections

Iran: Regime Fears the Recurrence of 2009 Uprising in Upcoming Presidential Elections


NCRI – Following the escalation of conflicts during the sham Presidential Election in Iran, the government warns about the endangered security in the regime.

They have the fear of the growing gap caused by the struggle for power in the regime and the rise of an uprising similar to the one occurred in 2009.

“The security is very important for a country. The Armed Forces play a significant role in this as well, they provide the security of the country with their power. This is one of the important issues.” stressed the Supreme Leader of regime, Khamenei in a meeting with the military commanders in which he expressed his fear about the endangered security of the regime.

Khamenei’s words only signify the probable dangers lying in the regime. He stated, “How the enemies could dare spoil the elections? (Khamenei’s Website, April 19th, 2017).” According to Khamenei’s speech, the enemies of the regime are no secret. The enemies of the regime are those forces encouraging the oppressed, unemployed, and underprivileged people to stand against the regime.

Earlier, the Chairman of the Security Committee to monitor election-related activities, Hossein Zolfaghari also warned those intending to spoil the Election, “We will deal firmly with the spoilers of the security for the elections. Any insecurity will be avoided (Fars News, April 11th, 2017).”

He also pointed out that a handbook of security for the Presidential Election has been prepared and submitted for individual provinces. He said, “The handbook consists of the necessary precautions for areas prone to security risks. Additionally, the instructions related to security issues have been sent to all provinces. 40 helicopters support the provincial election staffs and all security institutions of the country including the Ministry of Intelligence, the Intelligence Protection Organization of the IRGC, and the Intelligence Organization of the Disciplinary Force are also active (ISNA News, April 19th ,2017).

In this regards, the Attorney-General of the regime fears for the disruption of the Presidential Election while the Election is going to be held in a month and a half. The Attorney-General stated, “It is our responsibility to ensure the security of Election and deal with criminals and those who intend to disrupt the elections, and we will not abandon any effort (IRNA News, April 3rd, 2017).

The Attorney-General of the regime, Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi, expressed his fear about the recurrence of the uprising, occurred in 2009. He said, “We do not let the incident of 2009 happen again. They think that they can repeat the bitter incident of 2009 but the Judiciary and other authorities will not allow some people to disturb the national security as well as the Election (Mizan News, April 19th,2016).

The Leader of Tehran Friday Prayer, Mohammad Ali Movahed Kermani affiliated with Khamenei considered the Presidential Election as an impassable path, stating that, “We have a tough situation in the future. In other words, the path is difficult to cross. It is fearful for the regime to risk the security on the eve of Presidential Election as much as the eruption of any riot to topple the regime.