Iran Regime Asserted to Presidential Candidates: Military Affairs Is None of Your Business


NCRI – In a written statement, Iranian army’s senior spokesman told to Iran’s sham election candidates that they should stop interfering in military and defense affairs of the country.

Massoud Jazayeri the vice chief of staff of the army and director of defense staff for propaganda said:

“Recently we asked the Presidential election organizers in writing, to be vigilant about the publicities during the election, by considering this point that the candidates or the media must not enter in the military or defense affairs of the country and the region, and stop their unprofessional interference in this field which is above the President’s authority”.

This prohibition also includes the media. During last days by issuing a statement, at the beginning of sham Presidential elections campaign the organization of reporters without frontier told that 55 million of Iranian voters are deprived from free and independent information.

This organization expressed its regret about the censorship imposed on the media as well as the suppression of the journalists who want to freely broadcast news about the election.

It added that with 28 prisoners, Iran is one of the biggest prisons in the world for journalists and media activists.

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