Iran- Most Young People Had Boycotted The Polls


“Head of the National Council for Resistance of Iran said most young people had boycotted the polls”, writes a news article in the Independents on Sunday 28th, February a day after the elections were held in Iran.

In an article titled “Iran elections a ‘sham between officials in charge of torture and execution”, Harry Toner from The Independent writes:

The Iranian elections are ‘a sham’, the exiled leader of the resistance Maryam Rajavi has said.

Speaking in Paris on Saturday, Mrs Rajavi said the majority of young people in Iran had boycotted the elections.

She said: “On 26 February, the mullahs held a sham election. The so-called election did not mean to elect the people’s representatives, but it was a competition between the incumbent and former officials in charge of torture and executions.”

“This puts an end to the myth of moderation in this regime. Therefore this sham election was rejected and boycotted by most of the Iranian youth.”

The Independent, referring to the rigged show of election continues: Of the 12,123 candidates who were nominated as potential candidates, almost half were cut by the Guardian Council, with 6,300 of them – including 586 women – allowed to stand for election for the Majlis and 166 candidates, all male, put forward for the Assembly of Experts.

In a statement, dated February 28th, Maryam Rajavi, leader of the main Iranian democratic opposition analyzed the results of the elections and the change in the ruling theocracy’s balance an “Impact of the retreat in nuclear program.“

Maryam Rajavi emphasized that “The entire regime was the loser of the elections; as internal crises aggravate and the population’s rage escalates, the mullahs inch closer to their downfall”


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