Iran: More Clashes Between Rival Bands on the Eve of Presidential Election Show


NCRI – The clerical regime’s rivaling bands have engaged in more intensified ranting and chastising each other in the wake of recent positions of US officials in favor of applying more pressures and sanctions on the Iranian regime for its interventionist policies. The infighting have intensified to the point that rivaling factions warn and threaten one another.

While pointing to Raisi’s criminal record, state-run Ebtekar newspaper affiliated to Rouhani’s faction, in the article ‘Iran needs a diplomat, not a prosecutor’ wrote on April 23, “by electing their presidents based on ‘performance record’, people in democratic countries send a message to the world what kind of approach and mentality they want their country to be run with at any point of time.”

While referring to international and regional conditions, Ebtekar pointed out “what we see in Raisi’s record is by no means compatible with Iran’s current situation. Considering numerous crises in the Middle East as well as political and military alignment of countries against Iran, it is essential for the country to have a moderate president and a unique FM like Zarif, since anti-Iranian lobbies are waiting for an extremist president so that in the shadow of his harsh slogans and unacceptable behaviors they can once again mobilize public opinion as well as European and regional powers to economically blockade, isolate, or even attack Iran.”

The newspaper reminded recent positions of US official and what Rouhani’s unique conduct, and added: “Iran’s policy, despite all its opponents here and there, has so far succeeded to thwart any effort for adopting adventurous policies against the country. The outcome of the presidential election is going to stabilize the situations that are currently in an uncertain, jelly-like state.”

On the flip side, Mohammad-Saleh Jokar from Khamenei’s faction in the editorial of the state run daily, Hemayat, which is affiliated to the Judiciary wrote “disloyalty of the White House officials has taken on new dimensions.” Pointing to Rouhani’s positions, Jokar added “the United States has taken the nuclear deal hostage so its dreams about Iran can come true. If, despite such a record, some still insist on negotiating with the Americans over other disputed issues, the country will definitely suffer irreparable losses. It’s seriously questionable why despite so much disloyalty and sabotage, some still are insisting in vain on relenting on our principles against such an enemy.”

Following increased controversy over broadcasting recorded, engineered presidential debates, the regime was forced to announce that the presidential debates will be live, with all the candidates present at each and every one of them.

The first debate of regime’s presidential election show is scheduled to take place on Friday, April 28.

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