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Iran: Boycott of the Election Show by Some Labor Activists


NCRI – Social and labor activists boycotted the election show in a statement in the northern part of Khuzestan province (South-West of Iran). Part of this statement is as follows: “The twelfth presidential election will be held at the mullahs’ regime in Iran while people never did have a free election. The statement is saying: The Iranian election is no more than a show. Active participate and promoting it to have a hot elections is only legitimizing the regime of an illegitimate Khamenei.

The activists of the province at the end of their statement are stressing: As part of social and workers activists in the north of Khuzestan, we declare that we noway will participate in the election show on May 29th and do not recognize it legitimate. We sincerely know and believe that only with a mass public resistance and people movement, we can establish an stable democracy and bring fundamental changes in our way to our country, Iran.
Statement of some social and labor activists in northern Khuzestan, May  10th, 2017