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HomeElection Old-News and ArticlesClash of Iran Regime's Presidential Candidates Over Unemployment: Who's Deceiving People?

Clash of Iran Regime’s Presidential Candidates Over Unemployment: Who’s Deceiving People?


NCRI – Promise of creating jobs has turned into the top dispute between the candidates in Iranian regime’s presidential election show.

Mohammad-Bagher Ghalibaf, Tehran mayor and a candidate for regime’s presidential election show, has recently claimed that if he wins the election, he’ll create millions of jobs and also provide the unemployed with unemployment benefits.

Meanwhile, regime’s house speaker Ali Larjani has said in response to Ghalibaf’s remarks “distributing free money among people is not the policy of an honest politician.”

Also Rouhani’s first vice president Eshaq Jahangiri, who himself is a candidate in regime’s presidential election show, attacked Ghalibaf on Monday April 24, saying “if someone claims he’s going to create millions of jobs, it’s quite clear he’s going to deceive people.”

“This dear brother has either not yet created any job or doesn’t understand the numbers”, added Jahangiri, sarcastically addressing Ghalibaf.

Ghalibaf has been criticizing Iran’s economic situation in the past few days, claiming that he would create five million jobs and pay unemployment benefits if he wins the election.”

On the flip side, Jahangiri’s remarks was in turn faced with reactions from the media backing Ghalibaf and Raisi. Quds terrorist force’s Tasnim news agency, for instance, reminded some of Hassan Rouhani’s promises made during his 2013 election campaign, asking Jahangiri whether his remarks were also true about Rouhani.

Rouhani had claimed during his election campaign back then that Iran has the capacity to accommodate for ten million tourists each year, and that with that number of tourists entering the country, nearly four million jobs would be created.

Iran and unemployment crisis

According to reports from a closed meeting between regime’s MPs and Minister of Labor ‘Ali Rabiei’, the cabinet member has announced that the number of unemployed is three million two hundred thousand people, a claim that was opposed even by some of regime’s MPs, as the figure is too far from today’s social realities, with the real one being much more than that.