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Home Iran Election 2017-News and Articles

Iran Election 2017-News and Articles

Iran Regime’s Parliamentary Elections, a Major Failure for Khamenei

Iran Regime’s Parliamentary Elections, a Major Failure

The Iranian regime’s sham parliamentary elections, held on Friday, was met with an unprecedented general boycott. This boycott thwarted the regime’s attempts to legitimize its rule and maintain its absurd democratic...
Articles by Renowned Political Figures About Iran's Sham Elections

Iran Regime’s Parliamentary Election Crises – Articles by Renowned Political Figures

Prior to the Iranian regime’s sham parliamentary elections, there were numerous articles by renowned western politicians and Iranian and international experts in international media outlets. Below are excerpts of some of...
Iran's sham parliamentary elections faced widespread boycott by Iranian people

Iran Regime’s Sham Parliamentary Election Fails: A Major Blow to the Regime

The Iranian regime held its parliamentary elections farce, which was met by a general boycott. This was a major blow to the Iranian regime which had...
Iranian regime's parliament

Iran Regime’s Sham Parliamentary Elections, and Its Downfall Crisis

Engulfed by domestic and international crises, the Iranian regime needs a strong turnout at its sham parliamentary elections on February 21, to keep its so-called “democratic”...

Petri Sarvamaa MEP From Finland Supports Free Iran Gathering

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtFnwAk-Ljg" width="660" height="370" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"> NCRI - Mr. Petri Sarvamaa, the European Parliament's representative from Finland, in a message, announced his support for the grand...

Message by paulo casaca Supporting Grand Gathering of Iranian Opposition in Villepinte, Paris

NCRI - paulo casaca, prominent political analyst and former member of European Parliament from Portugal has sent a message of solidarity in support...

Message to Iran: “Regime Change Is in Reach”

NCRI - American policy toward Iran turned around last January, with the inauguration of Donald Trump. Trump made his views on Iran clear during his...

Iran Will Not Change With Rouhani – Daily Caller Oped

The Iranian regime’s political and economic isolation will continue as the regime is unable to bend on key issues, writes dissident writer Hassan Mahmoudi,...

Iranian Official: What If They Say Your President Has Said You Have Been Murdering...

NCRI - Hadad Adel, a member of Iran’s Expediency Council, delivered a speech on June 1, 2017 targeting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and his remarks during...