Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Iran-elections-clerics-election-propaganda (1)

Editorial: Iranian People’s Nationwide Boycott Echoes Call for Regime Change

On Friday, March 1, Iran held its Parliamentary election and Assembly of Experts amid widespread skepticism. According to comprehensive assessments and statistics gathered from...
Iran: What Khamenei Said – and What He Did Not Say

EDITORIAL: Iran: What Khamenei Said – and What He Did Not Say

In a meeting with a group of students, the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Iraqis taking over 's consulate.: Torching Centers of Suppression, Khamenei’s Pictures ...
maryam rajavi italy meeting

Defeating Iranian Regime’s Diplomatic Blackmail 

In a span of just three weeks, the Iranian Resistance has managed to deliver three significant shocks to the entrenched clerical regime. The resistance...

Iran’s Regime on Borrowed Time; The West Should Stand Firm

Despite all the concessions to Tehran, the mullahs' empty promises, and the media's wide-eyed optimism, there seems to be no real prospect of an...

Iranian regime desperation in export of fundamentalism

The Saudi Defense Ministry announced on April 22 that on the request of President of Yemen, Operation Decisive Storm that has successfully achieved its...
EDITORIAL: Anniversary of Iran’s 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners

EDITORIAL: Anniversary of Iran’s 1988 Massacre of Political Prisoners

Morgan Ortagus, the US State Department’s Spokesperson, on July 17 said: “July 19th marks the anniversary of the start of Iran’s so-called Death Commissions...

EDITORIAL: Iran’s Workers: A Powder Keg

Iranian workers have never been under such pressure during four decades of the mullahs' rule, and they have never experienced such an unbearable situation....

Iran: Teachers’ nationwide protest

Teachers’ nationwide protest on April 16 in almost 70 cities throughout Iran terrified the ruling mullahs. Teachers’ protest movement against oppression in schools and...

Listen to the Voices of the Iranian People

Over the past week, in the midst of a new round of negotiations between the P5+1 and the Iranian regime, there has been intense...
Iran nuclear

Iranian regime cannot be trusted – a need for inspections of all nuclear sites

The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, leads a deceptive and fraudulent regime. The Iranian dictatorship has not committed to any resolutions or nuclear...