Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Iran, Ashraf, MEK, MKO, Albania

EDITORIAL: Iran: 55 Years After the MEK Was Founded

An event marking the 55th founding anniversary of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) was held on Saturday, September 5, in Ashraf 3,...

Iran’s Regime on Borrowed Time; The West Should Stand Firm

Despite all the concessions to Tehran, the mullahs' empty promises, and the media's wide-eyed optimism, there seems to be no real prospect of an...

EDITORIAL: Boycott of Iran Regime’s Farce Election, a Turning Point Towards Regime Change by...

On Friday, February 21, 2020, the Iranian people overwhelmingly rejected the clerical regime by refusing to participate in the sham Parliamentary election despite intimidation and repeated calls by...

Once burned, twice shy – Paris Crime

The crime occurred on January 7 in Paris has had huge political and social reverberations. It has brought into focus the social ailments and...

EDITORIAL: Mysteries Behind the Ukrainian Passenger Plane Downing and Endless Lies by Iran’s Regime

Written by Staff Writer on 27 January 2020. As days advance, the scope of crisis from the downing of the Ukrainian passenger plane by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary...
Iran-elections-clerics-election-propaganda (1)

Editorial: Iranian People’s Nationwide Boycott Echoes Call for Regime Change

On Friday, March 1, Iran held its Parliamentary election and Assembly of Experts amid widespread skepticism. According to comprehensive assessments and statistics gathered from...

Iran: Lessons of 2013 (Part III)

The silence of senior U.S. officials in the face of the major crime against humanity in Camp Ashraf was a new low in their...