Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Editorial: Nationwide Protests in Iran Herald the Impending Fall of the Regime

The nationwide uprising that erupted in Iran in September 2022 has shaken the foundations of the country's political landscape. Uprisings have been a turning...

Concessions Embolden Tehran’s Aggression, Ignore Its Vulnerability

Earlier this month, the Iranian regime fired a volley of missiles into northern Iraq, near a US consulate and a residential compound it alleged...
Iran's regime Parliament' infighting

EDITORIAL: The Regime’s Infighting, Khamenei’s Weakness, and Fear of Overthrow

The Iranian regime’s increasing infighting within the last two weeks and the remarks of the mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei about the infightings show...

EDITORIAL: False G7 Hopes on Iran – What’s Next?

Following the G7 summit in France, much hope was expressed in the media about the possibility of new U.S.-Iran negotiations, and that the regime’s...

EDITORIAL: Iran Regime’s Supreme Leader at the Heart of the Regime’s Deadly Crises

As we approach the February 21st parliamentary elections in Iran, the internal crises of the mullahs’ regime are being directed toward the regime at its entirety...
iranian resistance brussels rally september 15, 2023

Editorial: Iran’s Unyielding Uprising, A Continuing Quest for Freedom

As we commemorate the anniversary of the Iranian people's nationwide uprising on September 16, it is an occasion to reflect on the unwavering spirit...

Public unrest over Hassan Rouhani’s food baskets continues

Hassan Rouhani's program for replacing cash subsidies with the distribution of free food baskets has sparked chaos and unrest in Iran since its launch...
Raisi and Larijani 2

Editorial: Iran Sham Election: A Band Of Mass Murderers, War Criminals, Thieves, And Thugs

Genuine choice and constructive instruments for collective decision-making underpin democratic and fair elections. They are thus the most apparent ensign of a political system's...

EDITORIAL: A Historic Victory for Human Rights

In a landmark decision last week, a Swiss federal court ordered the reopening of investigations into the assassination of one of Iran's most renowned...

EDITORIAL: Khamenei’s Friday Prayers’ Sermon Showed Iran’s Regime Is on Verge of Collapse

Written by Staff Writer on 19 January 2020. All throughout last week, the propaganda apparatus of the clerical regime in Iran had been busy hyping up...