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HomeEditorial - National Council of Resistance of IranMullahs’ nuclear bomb is against sovereignty and wishes of the Iranian people

Mullahs’ nuclear bomb is against sovereignty and wishes of the Iranian people


The closer we get to the June 30 nuclear deadline for a comprehensive deal between the Iranian regime and the P5+1, the more vivid becomes the actual objectives of mullahs in the nuclear talks and the nature of their tactics and concurrently the mullahs’ impasse is also made bare.

In its last report of 29 May 2015, IAEA declared Iranian regime’s lack of cooperation with the investigations into the possible military dimension (PMD) of Iran’s nuclear activities that have reached an stalemate.

Recently, on May 20, Khamenei had declared that inspection of military sites would not be allowed, nor would interviews with regime’s nuclear scientists. Similarly, on April 18, Deputy Commander of the IRGC, and later another commander on May 30 stated: Inspection of military sites will be met with “hot plumb” [bullets] and if IAEA inspectors enter military sites, they would be arrested on charge of espionage.

Although the regime hides its real intentions under the veneer of “Iran’s sovereignty”, the truth couldn’t be further. On May 28, the Iranian Resistance revealed the cooperation between the Iranian regime and North Korea offering details into reciprocal visits by figures involved in the nuclear and missile projects of the two countries with the last trip taking place just last April. According to UN reports, during the past year or so, the Iranian regime has been busy purchasing uranium enrichment technology and banned compressors from the black market. At least one of the networks involved in these illicit purchases have been disclosed to the United Nations. (Reuters of May 13; Guardian of April 30).

These and many other facts leave little doubt for any logical mind that the mullahs have never abandoned their aspirations to acquire the nuclear bomb as a means to guarantee their survival. What has defeated them in their endeavor so far has been the role played by the Iranian Resistance.

Hassan Rouhani writes in his book “National Security and Nuclear Diplomacy” published in spring 2012: “The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) believed that the facility in Natanz should be completed and then reported to the IAEA so that they would face a fait accompli and they would not be able to hinder the work… in the year 2000, AEOI promised officials that by 2003 it would have 54,000 centrifuges spinning that could produce 30 tons of 3.5% enriched fuel. But in 2002, PMOI/MEK brought fictitious allegations in a press conference that raised much havoc…”

This is a clear acknowledgement by mullahs’ Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council that mullahs were planning to impose themselves as a nuclear power on the international community. However, the Iranian Resistance prevented the regime from acquiring the bomb and created a deep crisis for it such that Khamenei acknowledged in his speech on May 27 that the “nuclear program is now a tight nut”.

For the past 13 years, the Iranian regime has continued to have the international community face set and done predicaments. On the one hand it continues to engage in negotiations with the West giving in to small retreats, and on the other hand it advances its clandestine projects and is deceptive. This policy has been made successful because of the appeasement policy on part of the West and in particular the United States.

Regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei has increasingly tied his fate with the nuclear bomb and now has to choose one of two paths: to continue with the nuclear weapons project and face increasing sanctions and a confrontation with the world community; or alternatively to give up the bomb and move on a path that would lead to the disintegration of the velayat-e faqih system. Buying time tactic in the negotiations reflects this deadly impasse.

This is exactly why it signs into the Geneva accord to ebb the effect of sanctions, but refuses to offer answers to the IAEA and pursues its covert activities. Similarly, it reaches an understanding in Lausanne with the P5+1, but just two weeks later Khamenei questions the framework agreement and says that the June 30 deadline is extendable. It prevents the confrontation with the West from turning antagonistic and at the same time continues with its nuclear project. This is the tactic that is being pursued by the Iranian regime in the nuclear talks.

Demagogically, it portrays the nuclear program as Iran’s sovereign right that is supported by the Iranian people which is a big lie to con the West. As far as the Iranian people are concerned, it is the religious dictatorship that has violated their sovereignty for 36 years with the nuclear program as one of the prominent projects that runs contrary to the national interests of the Iranian people. The Iranian people have suffered because of this project and will continue to suffer of it for decades to come. The Iranian people demand a nuclear free Iran as outlined in the 10-point plan presented by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.

This is exactly what Iranians from all over the globe will call for in their grand gathering on June 13 in Paris. This gathering represents the Iranian people and their wishes. They want the international community to take a firm stance against the nuclear project and to implement the Security Council resolutions in this regard. Hundreds of representatives and prominent figures from Europe, the United States, and the Middle East will take part in this event and will echo the call of the Iranian people.

This call was also heard from 220 MEPs on June 1 who wrote to their European leaders: “We express our solidarity with the ten-point plan of the Iranian opposition leader Maryam Rajavi, which calls for a democratic pluralistic republic based on universal suffrage, freedom of expression…, a non-nuclear Iran…” They added: “Iran needs to adhere to all UN Security Council resolutions with regard to its nuclear program and it should respond to all outstanding IAEA questions while allowing intrusive inspections of all its military and non-military sites…”

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