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HomeEditorial - National Council of Resistance of IranIranian regime desperation in export of fundamentalism

Iranian regime desperation in export of fundamentalism


The Saudi Defense Ministry announced on April 22 that on the request of President of Yemen, Operation Decisive Storm that has successfully achieved its goals ends and Operation “Renewal of Hope” in Yemen begins. General Ahmed al-Assiri said that in Operation Decisive Storm, Houthis weapons and ballistic missiles were destroyed and threats to the region and neighboring countries was removed.

President of Yemen Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi told Yemeni people in a TV message that due to the animosity of the Houthis, with the assistance from the Iranian regime, Yemen was at a very dangerous juncture.

He disclosed the 10-point plan for division of power through which, using the template offered by the Iranian regime, the Houthis planned to disintegrate Yemen.

Similarly, CNN quoted a senior Saudi official that Houthis have accepted almost all of the demands by the Security Council and that former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh has left Yemen with his family and shall never assume a political office again.

In yet another important development on Wednesday, April 22, the chiefs of staff of Arabic countries’ military forces met in Cairo to discuss the formation of a joint military force. Nabil al-Arabi, Secretary-General of the Arab League stated that the objective of this joint force is to combat terrorism and safeguard stability in the region.

In Washington, the White House welcomed the announcement to terminate Operation Decisive Storm and start of Operation Renewal of Hope by Saudi Arabia. White House emphasized that the United States has supported the military operation led by Saudi Arabia against the position of Houthis who are supported by Iran.

On the other hand, President Obama stated in a TV interview with MSNBC on Tuesday night, April 21, that the U.S. government has warned Iran on delivering arms to Yemen and that “we’ve been actually very straightforward to them”. Pointing to the fact that now Iranian ships are in international waters, Obama said: “There is a reason why we keep some of our ships in the Persian Gulf region and that is to make sure we maintain freedom of navigation”.

White House announced that the reason for the dispatch of U.S. aircraft carrier is to prevent the Iranian regime from helping the Houthis. On April 21, White House Press Secretary Josh Ernest referred to last week’s sanctions imposed by the Security Council on the Houthi leaders and those who carry out their orders and added that any attempt by the Iranian regime to deliver weapons to the Houthis is a blatant breach of sanctions and we are also concerned about the longtime record of Tehran in destabilizing the region and the concern of U.S. President regarding other activities of the Iranian regime in the region makes resolving Iran’s nuclear issue all the more imperative. Pentagon officials predict that U.S. naval forces may confront Iranian ships.

Some analysts deem the recent clashes in Yemen as a proxy war between the clerical regime as the great Shiite power in the region and Saudi Arabia as region’s chief Sunni power whose relationship in the past several years has deteriorated due to differences on a number of regional issues, including Syria.

Washington and Riyadh accuse the Iranian regime of propping up Houthis in Yemen and of delivering arms to them and consider it one of the destabilizing acts by Iran in the region. However, the mullahs and Khamenei who rule Iran deny such allegations and claim that their support for the Houthis is a spiritual and political one, as well as sending humanitarian aid to them.

Clerical dictatorship’s reaction to termination of Operation Decisive Storm:

Reports on the halt of airstrikes by Arabic coalition forces led by Saudis against the Houthi militias and their allies in Yemen led to reactions from the terrorist regime of Iran.

Iranian regime’s deputy foreign minister for Arab and Africa Affairs lashed out against the Saudi military operation and claimed that the airstrikes by the Arab coalition have destroyed country’s infrastructure and led to Takfiri terrorist groups to thrive! He said: “Our endeavors and diplomatic efforts led to the cessation of military operation in Yemen.”

Ali Larijani, mullahs’ parliament speaker described Operation Decisive Storm led by Saudis as without any achievements. Criticizing the Saudis for initiating Operation Renewal of Hope he said: “It seems they have jumped one stage and that is the stage needed to build up the moral of Saudi government in this fiasco.”

Meanwhile, the White House ridiculed Iranian regime’s invitation to a peaceful solution in Yemen and lashed out against the Iranian regime for arming Houthi militias.
It should be reminded that on March 26, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the leader of the Iranian opposition, had described “the joint action by Arab countries against mullahs’ regime occupation and aggression in Yemen that the Iranian Resistance had earlier called for, as an extremely essential and inevitable united action and called for the thorough expansion of this just and legitimate defense against the religious fascism ruling Iran and its mercenaries throughout the region in Iraq and Syria to Lebanon, Yemen and other places.”

The leader of the Iranian opposition added: “the root cause of the crises in this region of the world and the epicenter of fundamentalism and export of terrorism and extremism is the anti-human regime of mullahs and the only viable solution is resolve against this regime, its eviction from the region, and the toppling of the velayat-e faqih regime in Iran. The Iranian Resistance that itself was the first whistle blower on the projects of the Iranian regime to acquire the nuclear bomb, had time and again warned since 12 years back that the Iranian regime’s interventions in Iraq and other countries in the region is one-hundred times more dangerous than its nuclear program.”
Mrs. Rajavi reminded that the reason for the export of fundamentalism and terrorism by the clerical regime in the region is to cloak its irreversible domestic and external crises and that the policy of appeasement and conciliation has encouraged this regime in its aggressive policies.