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EDITORIAL: Mysteries Behind the Ukrainian Passenger Plane Downing and Endless Lies by Iran’s Regime

EDITORIAL: Mysteries Behind the Ukrainian Passenger Plane Downing and Endless Lies by Iran’s Regime

Written by Staff Writer on 27 January 2020.

As days advance, the scope of crisis from the downing of the Ukrainian passenger plane by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards is expanded. On January 16, the Foreign ministers of Canada, Ukraine, Sweden, Afghanistan, and Britain, which all had nationals who died, met in London and called for an independent and comprehensive investigation into the event.

“Make no mistake about it, Canada is going to get to the very bottom of this,” Canadian Transport Minister Marc Garneau told a press conference.

The regime attempted to seal the case by artificially accepting responsibility for the downing by claiming that it was just “human error,” but an independent investigation and analysis of the plane’s “black box” could reveal all the secrets of the crime.


In the beginning, the regime claimed that it will send the black box abroad, but as the crisis intensified it shifted its position by deception and lies and declared that it would not deliver the black box, particularly because of the importance of the black box in disclosing the secrets of this great crime and possibility of more clarification of the regime’s role in downing the plane.

Concerning the issue, Ali Rabi’i, the government spokesman, said: “The Iranian aviation will establish a committee to investigate the accident with transparency, accuracy, and speed.” He asked Boeing to send its representative to “participate in the black box review process.”


On January 18, 2020, Hassan Rezaeifar, Director General of the Iran Aviation Accident Bureau, announced that the black box would be shipped to Ukraine or France, but a day later changed his position, saying: “We have no decision to send it to a second country yet.”

Regarding this issue, the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said: “We have to go beyond political discussions, but before anything else, the black box must be delivered. They first said that they would deliver the black box, but later they said they will not deliver it.”

The conflicting reactions and positions of the mullahs on whether to analyze the information of the black box in Iran or abroad reflect the fact that the shooting of the Ukrainian passenger plane is far beyond the regime’s alleged scenario.

On the one hand, refusing to send the black box outside of Iran could reflect the extent of the regime’s involvement in the downing of the plane, and on the other hand, could unveil the unique nature of this regime; in addition to lying and deception, the regime uses and misuses everything to create a crisis.

The regime’s current performances add to the uncertainty and confuse public opinion at home and abroad over the mullahs’ insistence in refusing to send the plane’s black box abroad.

This issue is so notable and important that it has created a new crisis in the case of the crashed Ukrainian passenger plane for the regime. A crisis in the series of crises that the regime is engulfed in. It will result in its further disintegration, and because of the current explosive condition of the nation and widespread protests, it will drive the regime to its impending downfall.