EDITORIAL: Iran Regime’s Cover-Up of the Coronavirus Outbreak Hits a Deadlock as It’s Downfall Looms


Lying and deception are in the Iranian regime’s DNA. In January 2020, the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) downed a passenger jet with two missiles, killing all 176 passengers aboard.

The Iranian regime’s officials, for three consecutive days of deception and lying, claimed that the airliner had crashed due to technical problem. But when the footages of two missiles hitting the airliner, as well as dozens of other documents became public, the regime’s officials were forced to confess that the IRGC’s missile defense has shot the airplane. Then, the regime claimed that this was just “human error.” 

Prior to this, in November, during the anti-regime protests, the regime’s oppressive forces killed 1500 people. The mullahs’ regime has never been willing to give an official death toll. When all the officials, including the regime’s president, Hassan Rouhani, were questioned, they all gave the same answer: The coroner has the death toll. 

Regarding the spread of the coronavirus, which according to the latest report announced by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) has claimed the lives of over 3,300 people, the Iranian regime again by lying and deception claimed for weeks that no one in Iran had contracted the coronavirus. While all countries had cut their relations with China, Iran Mahan Air’s flights to China have been continuing.

Despite local reports about the coronavirus entering Iran and the consecutive denials by regime officials, finally, on February 19, officials at the Ministry of Health announced the death of two patients diagnosed with the virus in the city of Qom.  

The spread of the coronavirus across Iran has made the regime lose control of keeping the number of deaths secret and the secrecy implemented by the regime and all its organizations of censorship and oppression. Mohammad Hossein Ghorbani, Deputy Chairman of the Health Commission of the Parliament, who recently became the Representative of the Ministry of Health in Gilan Province, in a secret report to the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, wrote that 408 people have passed away in Gilan Province alone 

Alireza Rahimi, a member of the regime’s Parliament leadership, wrote on his Twitter account: “Why was the Coronavirus outbreak in Qom overshadowed by the Majlis elections? Why was Qom not quarantined to prevent the spread of Coronavirus across the country?” 

Mostafa Feghi, the owner of the state-run Entekhab news agency website, on March 9 wrote on Twitter: “The number of people who have died suspected of being diagnosed with the coronavirus is close to 2000 people across country. Just more than 130 people have passed away in Tehran and Gilan.” However, he was later forced to deny his own words.  

The disclosure of the death toll, particularly after the Iranian Resistance’s revelations, and with the situation around the country becoming critical, has trapped the regime in the “deadlock of its cover-up.” If the regime continues the cover-up, it will add to the Iranian people’s explosive anger, drawing the possible explosion closer, because the Iranian people are watching facts closely. They are witnessing that the crucial medical needs are being hoarded by the IRGC and later sold at a much higher price in the market. The Iranian people are witnessing that for the sake of its political consideration, the Iranian regime has refused to quarantine the city of Qom, which was the main reason for the spread of the virus.

If on the other hand the regime stops its cover-up and announces the real death toll, this will certainly spark an explosion and an uprising, which utterly terrifies the regime. The regime is trapped in this deadend. Therefore, no matter what direction it takes, this will lead to the Iranian people’s uprising and the regime’s downfall.   

The Iranian people deeply believe that the only way to overcome this crisis such as other crises in the country is the downfall of this inhumane regime and establishing a popular government, which will dedicate all the hygienic, treatment and other facilities of the country to the people.

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