Editorial: G7, world peace and regime change in Iran


As G7 leaders meet again today in Germany two of the major topics of discussion are the Iranian regime’s nuclear weapons proliferation and the crisis brewing in the Middle East.

Rarely after the Second World War and never since the end of the Cold War has the world been faced with such great calamities, and never has the West been so out of touch and strategically mistaken in its response.

Two factors explain this:

Firstly, there exists a lack of understanding as to the root of the region’s problems. Islamic fundamentalism and extremism emerged with the establishment of the religious dictatorship in Iran, and it immediately threatened the region’s peace and stability. The mullahs in Iran are the heart of the evil phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism and extremism.

The main goal of the fundamentalists is to create an “Islamic empire” with Sharia Law through the use of force. Shiite and Sunni fundamentalists are no different to one another. Both use violence and aggression as their primary tool. It is a mirage to search for moderates among them. The 2003 war and the gradual occupation of Iraq by the Tehran regime gave unprecedented momentum to the fundamentalists. The sectarian crimes of Bashar Assad and Nuri Maliki, the regime’s chief allies in Syria and Iraq, especially against the Sunni population and the silence of the West has led to the rise of ISIS.

Secondly, the West is misevaluating the strength of the Iranian regime. It is faced with countless economic, social, domestic and international crises and is at its most vulnerable. The fundamentalist mullahs in Iran don’t belong to this day and age; but due to lack of firmness by the West, they have been allowed to foment crises across the region and bring the world to the brink of a new war.

As Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said at an April 29 hearing of the US House of Representatives, there lies a solution. To defeat Islamic fundamentalism the world powers must take five key steps: Expel the Iranian regime’s Quds Force from Iraq and enable genuine participation of Sunnis in power sharing, assist Syria’s opposition to end Assad’s tyrannical rule, recognize the Iranian people’s aspirations to overthrow the mullahs’ regime, empower a genuine, democratic, and tolerant Islam to counter fundamentalist interpretations of this religion, and block all pathways for the Iranian regime to acquire nuclear weapons. The world leaders must take notice. The mullahs’ regime is not part of the solution to fundamentalism; it is the heart of the problem. The real and ultimate solution is to achieve regime change by the Iranian people and their organized Resistance.

This is a viable policy which would lead to regional stability and world peace. The Iranian people will echo this call on June 13 in Paris at the grand gathering for democratic change in Iran and are ready to pay the price.

#Iran #IranTalks #G7 #G7Summit  #Germany

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