Monday, July 15, 2024
HomeEditorial - National Council of Resistance of IranBelgium’s Appeasement Will Render More Terrorism by Iran’s Regime

Belgium’s Appeasement Will Render More Terrorism by Iran’s Regime

Washington DC Iran protest Belgium
Iranian-Americans rallying outside the White House and protesting a recent prisoner exchange deal between Belgium and the Iranian regime that will release Tehran’s convicted terrorists.

The Belgian Chamber of Representatives is currently in the process of adopting a treaty with one incredibly malign objective, i.e., facilitating the release of Assadollah Assadi, a convicted Iranian regime diplomat terrorist currently serving 20 years in a Belgian prison for masterminding a foiled bomb plot aiming to target the massive 2018 “Free Iran World Summit” organized by the Iranian opposition coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in Villepinte, near Paris.

Hundreds of political dignitaries, including lawmakers, and current and former officials, alongside around 100,000 people, attended the rally. Had the bomb exploded as planned, hundreds would have been killed or wounded. European authorities and secret services prevented this catastrophe literally in the final hours. Two terrorists, currently serving 18 years behind bars in Belgium, were ordered by Assadi to place the highly lethal TAPT explosives close to the stage where the VIPs were sitting next to NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian regime’s main target in this terror scheme.

This ill-advised treaty between Brussels and Tehran will set a very dangerous precedent, as it actually emboldens and encourages the religious theocracy ruling Iran to step up its terrorist attacks while ramping up its efforts to take foreign nationals or dual citizens hostage to be used as bargaining chips when necessary. All the while, Belgium’s insistence on continuing the failed appeasement policy, will allow convicted terrorists to escape justice and accountability.

Belgium also is making a mockery of its rule of law and independent judiciary system. While Tehran continues to flout each and every international law and norm with its ongoing gross human rights violations, Belgium continues to look the other way. What guarantee does Belgium has as they continue to negotiate with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism that also has the highest number of executions per capita, is the only country executing minors, and remains committed to its policy of taking dual nationals hostage to pursue its malign foreign policy objectives?

It is also quite preposterous to believe that the Iranian regime would have Assadi and his three accomplices placed in jail to serve the remaining of their respective sentences. This recent treaty is tantamount to releasing the fox in the hen house. Assadi’s report card is riddled with his close work with the Iranian regime’s Intelligence Ministry: He is not what his official resume says, rather he is an intelligence agent par excellence! His return to Tehran would provide the mullahs’ regime the opportunity to regroup, plan further attacks with their gained experience of the past four years, and remain assured their operatives if arrested, will return home safe and sound. If this doesn’t encourage Tehran, what does?

Belgium is going the distance in its appeasement of the Iranian regime, as this recent treaty, if adopted and made law, would require Brussels to return future terrorists to Tehran. This would transform Belgium into a terminal for the Iranian regime’s terrorists into Europe.

The Belgian government should answer a few questions:

  1. How can you be assured Tehran will forgo sending future hit-squads to Europe or other countries to engage in terrorism and target dissidents, as they have done with impunity in the past four decades?
  2. How can anyone come to believe that the very Iranian regime which commissioned Assadi and his co-terrorists to bomb a massive 100,000-strong rally, would hold them incarcerated following their repatriation?

Such speculations are naïve, to say the least, and taking appeasement to new lows.

Belgium, hosting Brussels as the heart of the European Union, faces an important decision on what standard they choose to set:

  • succumbing to the demands of a terrorist state while ridiculing the very pillars of their democracy
  • standing firm and becoming an example for the world in the global war against terrorism

The world, and especially the Iranian people, are watching very closely.