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HomeCamp Ashraf Massacre - Sept. 2013US Senator Carl Levin demands investigation into Camp Ashraf massacre

US Senator Carl Levin demands investigation into Camp Ashraf massacre

NCRI – The United States government must launch an urgent investigation into the massacre of 52 residents at Camp Ashraf, US senator Carl Levin has demanded.

The US must also press Iraq to protect all Iranian dissidents living in their country, democrat Carl Levin said in a strongly-worded letter to Secretary of State John Kerry.

Mr Levin, the chairman of Armed Services Committee in the Senate wrote: “I am deeply disturbed by the reports of the slaughter of more than 50 Camp Ashraf residents on September 1st. The brutal killing of the residents, members of the Iranian dissident group Mujahideen-e Khalq (MEK), is abhorrent and should be widely condemned.”

“How is this attack possible, given the Government of Iraq’s commitment to protect the residents of both Camp Ashraf and Camp Hurriyah? I urge the State Department to investigate on an urgent basis the events surrounding the attack and request that the Department update me as new information develops.”

The September 6 letter is the latest in a series that Mr Levin has sent to Mr Kerry and his predecessor Hillary Clinton concerning the plight of the residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty.

He added: “I understand that the State Department is pressing the Government of Iraq to secure Camp Ashraf to prevent any further harm to the MEK residents there. Please keep me informed on the status of those residents and efforts to ensure their safety.”