Mother of Camp Ashraf victim pleads for UN camp protection

NCRI – The mother of a victim of the Camp Ashraf massacre has urged the United Nations to act now to protect Iranian dissidents in Iraq from further deadly attacks.

Mrs Massoumeh Bolurchi told how her 33-year-old son was bound and shot through the head along with 51 others in the bloodbath on September 1.

Speaking at the Human Rights Council on September 9, Mrs Bolurchi said: “I am mother of one of the 52 victims. Following the barbaric attack by Iraqi special Task Force 52 defenseless residents were cruelly assassinated.

“My 33 years old son was one of them. They tied his hands and those of four others and brutally shot in their heads. They even shot dead the wounded persons in the clinic.
“The day following the killing, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General confirmed in a statement that the victims were executed handcuffed while Iraqi government is claiming it was an explosion to cover up their crime.
“Why was my son killed? What for? He was defenseless. He had left his privileged life to go to Camp Ashraf and serve democracy for his country but he was killed in an extrajudicial execution. This ruthless crime occurred while the UNHCR had registered all the victims as ‘persons of concern’ and ‘under international protection’.”
She said: “I call on you Madam High Commissioner to immediately send a UN team to both camps Ashraf and Liberty and remain there around the clock to protect the residents and also to conduct an independent fact-finding mission to Camp Ashraf in cooperation with UNAMI, which should immediately and thoroughly investigate and report to the Human Rights Council on the crime against humanity perpetrated in Camp Ashraf 1st September 2013.”

The UN Human Rights Council called for an independent inquiry following the massacre of 35 people at Ashraf on April 8, 2011, but the inquiry never happened, Mrs Bolurchi said, adding: “If it had, the international community would not face this catastrophe in Ashraf today.

“One cannot expect Iraq to hold an investigation into these massacres. Nobody would ask the killer to investigate into the assassination he committed! A real independent investigation would inevitably recommend UN protection of Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.”


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