Iran: Political prisoners in Zahedan condemn massacre in Camp Ashraf

NCRI – Political prisoners in Zahedan Central Prison condemned the September 1 massacre of Camp Ashraf residents during which the attacking Iraqi forces executed 52 residents.

The prisoners also called on the United Nations and its member states to prevent further attack on the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Ashraf and Camp Liberty.

The statement partly reads: “Members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI.MEK) have been killed for defending the rights of the Iranian people. They left their country to defend the rights of people in Iran. We, the political prisoners strongly condemn the terrorist crime of the Quds Force executed by Maliki’s forces and demand human rights defenders, the United Nations and its member states to prevent further attack of the Iranian regime and call for prosecution of the perpetrators of crimes in Iran.”

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