Iran: Political prisoners condemn Camp Ashraf massacre, call for protection



NCRI – Two political prisoners have spoken of their ‘outrage and heartbreak’ at the massacre of 52 residents of Camp Ashraf and demanded that the US and United Nations act urgently to protect the remaining Iranian dissidents in Iraq.

PMOI (MEK) supporter Saeed Massouri, who is being held in Gohardasht prison, said in a statement: “The news was utterly heartbreaking and a horrific catastrophe in its own right. When such news is heard from inside a prison, it is that much more unbearable.

“The trend of events is of course such that these kind of incidents are not unexpected. The memory of it will be with me forever and I can imagine the scene of the wounded on hospital beds who, instead of receiving medical treatment, are delivered a coup de grace by an agent of Nouri al-Maliki.

“These people will also come to us prisoners to deliver the coups de grace. And why not? Is there anything preventing them and do we have any recourse?

“But it is bloodshed like this that alters the course of history and in any case, I never think of my destiny as different from theirs and may be soon be joining them

“I am thankful and grateful to God for the tests that He places in our path.”

Political prisoner Ali Moezzi also condemned the Camp Ashraf slaughter and demanded that the killers be brought to justice.

He said in a statement: “In the name of God and the blood of the martyrs and the pure, hail to the pure souls of the Ashraf martyrs.

“May God damn those who killed you; may God damn those who were happy to hear of this atrocity and became happy.

“I say to Khamenei and al-Maliki that the blood of our martyrs drips from their fingers. The exalted martyrs of the Camp Ashraf massacre, who represent the Iranian people and the resistance, have in perpetual steadfastness become a beacon with their sanguine deaths; this was a major victory for the Iranian people and the resistance, as well as for all the peoples of the Middle East.

“I wish I could have among you and been drenched in my blood and joined your pure souls. You the people, rise up, rise up my homeland, since this is the blood of Iranian sons and daughters.

“I, together with other Iranians inside and outside the country, declare our protest and abhorrence; and as an old father from the cells of the central prison in Karaj (near Tehran), I plead with the UN Secretary General, the international community and all assemblies to adopt concrete and urgent measures to protect the security of our compatriots and our sons and daughters in Camp Ashraf and Liberty. I also call for the trial and punishment of the culprits of this human catastrophe.”

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