EP Liberal-Democrats condemn massacre in Camp Ashraf, calls on EU for action

Press Release by Liberal-Democrat Group in European Parliament, September 10, 2013

Guy Verhofstadt, President of the Liberal-Democrat Group at the European parliament strongly condemns massacre of 52 Camp Ashraf residents, members of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) situated in northern Iraq on September 1, 2013 by forces of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Violence against civilian populations is a crime against humanity.

Ashraf residents are “protected persons” under the Fourth Geneva Convention. Guy Verhofstadt and Louis Michel expressed profound concern regarding the violence that led to the death and injury of dozens and disrespect for international humanitarian standards. They demanded immediate implementation of these standards and reiterated that the seven hostages (six female and one male) who are held in Baghdad should be immediately released and placed under protection.

Louis Michel, Belgian honorary minister and MEP and Head of the joint parliamentary Assembly ACP-EU with African countries, the Caribbean’s and the Pacific Ocean , emphasizes that UN peacekeeping forces ought to be employed as soon as possible not only in Camp Ashraf but also Camp Liberty that is the next potential target of Iraqi forces.

Guy Verhofstadt and Louis Michel insist on an independent investigative mission from UN to expeditiously disclose this “crime against humanity” and called for the trial of perpetrators in the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

“The European parliament has consistently brought attention of the international community to the dangers surrounding Camp Ashraf residents. The international community which includes the European Union should react without delay to flagrant violations against international law and humanitarian law.”

Link to the original statement in French

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