Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Regime's supreme leader Khomeini issued a fatwa declaring that anyone who is a member or supporter of the main opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), should be considered an enemy of God himself and he or she must be executed

The Massacre of 30,000 Political Prisoners Still Defines Iran’s regime

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras  Although the final make-up of the ballot has yet to be decided, it is widely assumed that Iran’s top candidate to run...
It was announced past week that there would be no appeal of the February conviction for Assadollah Assadi, the high-ranking Iranian diplomat.

Convicted Iranian Diplomat Was Only Part of a Terror Network That Must Be Dismantled

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras It was announced this past week that there would be no appeal of the February conviction for Assadollah Assadi, the high-ranking Iranian...

Europeans Should Adopt A Firm Policy Toward Iran, Not The Other Way Around

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras When the new administration took over the White House in January, many critics of the Iranian regime were concerned that US...

Europe Must Stop Denying That Iran Has Admitted It Seeks Nuclear Weapons

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras At the latest talks in Vienna, the European signatories of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action presented Iran with a “roadmap”...
EU sanctions Iranian regime for human rights abuses

Europe Is Off to a Good Start With Sanctions, but Soon Must Target Iran’s...

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Last week the European Union imposed new human rights-related sanctions on eight officials from Iran’s paramilitary and security forces. Among the...
US-Iran talks in Vienna, April 2021

Iran Ignores Its Own Violations To Present One-Sided Narrative On Nuclear Deal

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Following the recent meeting in Vienna of participants in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, there has been a notable increase in optimism...

Upcoming Nuclear Talks Should Demand Compliance, Not Compromise, From Iran

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Representatives of the Iranian regime are expected to meet with all other signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal apart from the...

Iran Has Never Needed a Martyr To Justify Terror Plots

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras It was recently reported that in January the US National Security Agency intercepted communications pointing to an Iranian terror plot that...

Iran’s Missile Threats, Terrorism, Human Rights Abuses Still Needlessly Overshadowed

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Various NATO foreign ministers began holding meetings in Brussels on Tuesday. There is little doubt that some of their discussions will...

European Appeasement Must End Before Iran Causes Disaster at Home or Abroad

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras The nations of Europe share a long, shameful history of appeasing Iran’s theocratic regime. They have done so in the face...