Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Nuclear talks would not change nature or conduct of Iran regime

by Elisabetta Zamparutti  The sun was just creeping up over the desert sand one early morning in September 2013, a small encampment...

If You Respect the Iranian People, You Should Support Them, not the Regime

by Dr. Antonio Stango Recently Linda Mason of the Harvard Kennedy School’s Center for Public Leadership wrote an editorial for CNN, suggesting that Americans...

June 13 Conference for Democratic Change in Iran, Approaching Fast

by Mahmoud Hakamian As reports on social upheaval, labored progress, fundamentalist violence, and government retribution against Iranians at home, appear on headlines, Iranian diaspora...

Dangerous leniency towards Iran

by Alireza Jafarzadeh The international community is making a strategic blunder by lending unwarranted credibility to a regime that has proven time and again that...

Islamic Fundamentalism and Iran

By Hossein Abedini The world today is faced with the grave danger of Islamic Fundamentalism, which threatens universal ideals of freedom and humanity, targeting...

IRAN: Desperation in the mullahs’ camp

by Dr. Antonio Stango With each passing day, it is becoming even clearer that the Iranian regime is unwilling to give up on its...

Iran’s Assassin Mullahs

By Elaheh Azimfar Iran is all over the airwaves due to its meddling politics thought the Middle East and beyond. One of the biggest...

IRAN: What Makes the Supreme Leader Tick?

by Alireza Jafarzadeh As another deadline for a nuclear deal with Iran fast approaches, the regime in Tehran has yet again hardened its stance in...

Unwarranted optimism by the West

by Mahmoud Hakamian Blind optimistic can be extremely damaging when it prompts one to disregard ground realities. That is exactly what the situation is concerning...

The Situation in Iran – Hossein Abedini

By Hossein Abedini Iran’s internal situation is growing worse as the regime continues to violate the inalienable human rights of the Iranian people and remains...