Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Former Colombian Presidential Candidate: The West Was Wrong About Iran

Former Colombian Presidential Candidate: The West Was Wrong About Iran

By Hamideh Taati In an op-ed published in Belgian magazine Le Vif, Ingrid Betancourt, French- Colombian personality and former Colombian presidential candidate, criticized the West's...
EU sanctions Iranian regime for human rights abuses

Europe Is Off to a Good Start With Sanctions, but Soon Must Target Iran’s...

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Last week the European Union imposed new human rights-related sanctions on eight officials from Iran’s paramilitary and security forces. Among the...

Shocking Figures on Widespread Addiction Among Iranian Students

By Mahmoud Hakamian It’s no secret to anyone today that the social crises in Iran are totally the result of Iranian regime’s predatory, anti-people...
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif (left), Iranian diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi (right)

Iranian “Moderates” Cite “Independence” To Deny Responsibility for Provocative Acts

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Last week, naval forces belonging to Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps seized a South Korean-flagged tanker in the Strait of Hormuz....
Iran: Mullahs Terrified of Regime Downfall

Iran: Mullahs Terrified of Regime Downfall

By Mahmoud Hakamian The Iranian Regime officials are now openly petrified about the chances of being overthrown by the Iranian public during a period...

The Situation in Iran – Hossein Abedini

By Hossein Abedini Iran’s internal situation is growing worse as the regime continues to violate the inalienable human rights of the Iranian people and remains...
Iranian Regime's Strategy Is Doomed to Fail

Iranian Regime’s Strategy Is Doomed to Fail

By Sedighe Shahrokhi Iran’s foreign policy can only be described as aggressive and belligerent because it has directly contributed to worsening the Shia and Sunni...
snapback, Iran, NCRI, Nuclear

Assertive Policies Can Halt Iran’s Efforts at Blackmailing the West

On Monday, tensions between Iran and the West continued to escalate as the Iranian regime took two distinct measures aimed at strong-arming the international...
Iranian Regime’s Judiciary Spokesman Claims There Are No Political Prisoners in Iran

Iranian Regime’s Judiciary Spokesman Claims There Are No Political Prisoners in Iran

A representative for the Iranian regime’s Judiciary has claimed that there are no political prisoners in Iran, despite the thousands of political prisoners currently...
Iran Regime's MP Blames Rouhani for Current Situation

Iran Regime’s MP Blames Rouhani for Current Situation

Shamsi Saadati As the pressure on Iran increases, the internal divisions among regime officials are becoming more and more apparent and tense. The internal...