Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Iranian Airline Sanctions and Implications

Iranian Airline Sanctions and Implications

By Hamideh Taati At the beginning of the year, Germany stopped Iran regime’s Mahan Air flights from operating in the country. Germany had security concerns...

New Head of Iran’s Nuclear Agency Shows Ongoing Commitment to Deceptive Strategies

By Alejo Vidal-Quadras  On Sunday, Russian state news agency Sputnik published an interview with Mohammad Eslami, the new head of the Atomic Energy Organization of...
As the possibility of Assadollah Assadi condemnations grows stronger, Iran's state-run media call for hostage-taking. 

Three Years Later, With Court Rulings Under Appeal, Iran Terror Threat Is Still Ignored

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Since 2018, it has been absolutely clear that there is a network of operatives spread across Europe in the employ of the...

Failed EU Appeasement Policy on Iran

By Struan Stevenson As we await the verdict on 4th February, following the trial in Antwerp of the Iranian diplomat and his three co-conspirators, we...

The Defeat of a Policy – A new balance

A new balance between the Iranian regime and the international community, particularly Europe, formed following the was unjustly included in the Europan &American blacklists....

Regarding Iran, EU Foreign Policy Chief Ignores Own Commitment To Human Rights

By Alejo Vidal Quadras On Wednesday, the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, issued a statement commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg trials and...
Tens of thousand of NCRI supporters rally in Washington D.C.-June 21, 2019

NBC News Stands on the Wrong Side of History

Sofey Saidi, PhD  October 25, 2019  The NBC News published an article on October 17, 2019, smearing the anti-theocratic Resistance organization and Its Popular...

Rehashing the Iran Regime’s Stale, Debunked Anti-MEK Smears  

By Ali Safavi  Bryan Metzger’s tabloid article in Business Insider against the main Iranian opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK) is pathetically unoriginal and comical.   The young graduate may proudly pat himself in the back...

Iran’s Hardline Posture at Nuclear Talks Needs a Firm Response

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Discussions aimed at the revival of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal are expected to continue in Vienna, but there appears to be...

Iran’s Problematical Electricity Shortage Under the Clerical Regime

By Aladdin Touran Iran is the victim of successive blackouts and power outages of the national grid. While the country ranked 12th in the world last year...