Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Regime in Terminal Decline, Panicking About Losing Its Grip on Power

By: Struan Stevenson When the disintegrating socialist state of Venezuela, where the people are starving, starts flying planeloads of gold to the collapsing theocratic regime...
Sanctions Relief Would Only Make Iran’s Coronavirus Outbreak Worse

Sanctions Relief Would Only Make Iran’s Coronavirus Outbreak Worse

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras The international community needs to do something to help the Iranian people make it through their country’s coronavirus epidemic. It is increasingly...

Iran’s Coronavirus Outbreak Even Worse Than Fringe Reports Indicated

‌By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Reality continues to chip away at the Iranian regime’s official narrative regarding coronavirus. Ever since Tehran began its efforts to paint a...

Iran’s Current Uprising Has Taken Some by Surprise but Deserves Everyone’s Support

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Iran has now been undergoing a nationwide uprising for more than a month. The longevity, intensity, and scale of those protests have...
The Annual Summit of Iran’s Democratic Resistance

The Annual Summit of Iran’s Democratic Resistance

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras For much of the past four decades, American and European policies toward Iran have been impaired by the false assumption that change...
IMF Building

Iran’s Corruption May Block IMF Coronavirus Aid

Displaying a characteristically impeccable case of bad timing, Iran’s Supreme Audit Court presented a devastating report to the Iranian parliament on 14th April, showing...
Iran: Despite Successful Legal Challenges, Disinformation Persists About the MEK

Iran: Despite Successful Legal Challenges, Disinformation Persists About the MEK

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Last week, Iran’s democratic Resistance movement won its latest victory in court against a media outlet that had chosen to repeat false...
Struan Stevenson: Iranian Assassins

Struan Stevenson: Iranian Assassins

In an article on the United Press International (UPI) website, Mr. Struan Stevenson, a former member of the European Parliament and coordinator of the...

As Revolution in Iran Becomes Apparent, Western Powers Must Begin Looking Forward

By Alejo Vidal-Quadras In 2018, one of the biggest gatherings of the opposition was the target of a terrorist plot by agents of the Iranian...
At the UN General Assembly, Iran Policy Discussions Should Emphasize Human Rights

At the UN General Assembly, Iran Policy Discussions Should Emphasize Human Rights

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras There is no doubt that Iran will be a major focus of policy debates at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, but...