Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Iran’s Space Launch Shows Necessity of Sanctions

Iran’s Space Launch Shows Necessity of Sanctions

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras On multiple levels, Iran’s recent launch of a military satellite was a warning to the world. Coming in the midst of the...
Free Iran March Urges UK Govt to Declare the Revolutionary Guards a Terror Group - Report

Iranian People Must Imagine Life After the Mullahs

In his article publish on the United Press International on Tuesday, Mr. Struan Stevenson, a former president of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Iraq, elaborated Iranian...
Anti government protests in Iraq. 2019-2020 - file photo

Iraq’s Prime Ministerial Merry-Go-Round

By: Struan Stevenson Iraq’s prime ministerial merry-go-round continues to spin apace. Spy chief Mustafa al-Kadhimi, director of the country’s National Intelligence Service, is now the third prime minister designate this year, following the withdrawal of Adnan...
Iran’s regime Warrants No Sympathy

Iran’s Regime Warrants No Sympathy

Iranian regime’s officials and Iranian state media are presenting a wildly inconsistent picture of the country’s coronavirus outbreak. Each element of that picture is...
Iranian regime’s Mismanagement of its Covid-19 Outbreak is a Threat to the Entire World

Iranian Regime’s Mismanagement of Its COVID-19 Outbreak Is a Threat to the Entire World

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Iran’s coronavirus outbreak may be the worst in the world. If official government records are to be believed, Iran ranks behind several...
Struan Stevenson, President of EIFA

Fear and Loathing in Coronavirus Iran

In an article on UPI, Mr. Struan Stevenson described the current situation in Iran. Earlier this month, the regime ordered the people to return...
IMF Building

Iran’s Corruption May Block IMF Coronavirus Aid

Displaying a characteristically impeccable case of bad timing, Iran’s Supreme Audit Court presented a devastating report to the Iranian parliament on 14th April, showing...
Iran coronavirus

Iranian Regime Sends People Back to Work Amidst the World’s Worst Coronavirus Outbreak

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Across Europe, North America, and Asia, a number of countries have begun to get their coronavirus outbreaks under control. Conditions vary from...
Struan Stevenson

Iranian Regime Uses Epidemic in Attempt to Breach U.S. Sanctions

By: STRUAN STEVENSON Grasping at straws like a dying beast, the Iranian regime is now pleading with the world to persuade America to end its...
Struan Stevenson

Key Letter Alerts the UN to Iranian Mismanagement of COVID-19

Expressing grave concern over the mis-management and mis-reporting of the coronavirus epidemic in Iran, the International Committee ‘In Search of Justice’ (ISJ), has written...