Tuesday, July 16, 2024
US-Iran talks in Vienna, April 2021

Iran Ignores Its Own Violations To Present One-Sided Narrative On Nuclear Deal

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Following the recent meeting in Vienna of participants in the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, there has been a notable increase in optimism...

Struan Stevenson: Soleimani’s Assassination Isn’t Enough to End the Evil That Lurks in Iran’s...

In an article published by Scottish daily The Herald on Thursday, Struan Stevenson, a former Member of the European Parliament representing Scotland and the president of the...

Upcoming Nuclear Talks Should Demand Compliance, Not Compromise, From Iran

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras Representatives of the Iranian regime are expected to meet with all other signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal apart from the...

Iran’s New President, Cabinet Should Face Consequences for Wide-Ranging Malign Acts

By Dr. Sofey Saidi The entire international community should be deeply concerned about Iran’s newly-formed presidential administration. That concern should extend to human rights advocates,...

Iran Tacitly Presents Nuclear Negotiators With an Ultimatum Which Must Be Rejected

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Negotiations regarding the future of the Iran nuclear deal or Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, are still ongoing in Vienna. But they...

All Nations Share Responsibility To Bring Iranian Regime’s Human Rights Abusers to Justice

  BY: Alejo Vidal Quadras Last week, the National Council of Resistance of Iran hosted a vitally important virtual conference to discuss a 33-year-old crime...
The E3 presented a joint statement to the IAEA on Wednesday expressing deep concern over the advancement of Iran’s nuclear program

E3 Rightly Condemns Iran’s Nuclear Activities, but Should Also Outline Consequences

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras The United Kingdom, France, and Germany presented a joint statement to the International Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday expressing deep concern...

Excessive Focus on Nuclear Deal Risks Letting Iran off the Hook for Terrorism

By Alejo Vidal Quadras Five years after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was implemented and two and a half years after the US pulled...
It was announced past week that there would be no appeal of the February conviction for Assadollah Assadi, the high-ranking Iranian diplomat.

Convicted Iranian Diplomat Was Only Part of a Terror Network That Must Be Dismantled

By: Alejo Vidal Quadras It was announced this past week that there would be no appeal of the February conviction for Assadollah Assadi, the high-ranking Iranian...

Iran’s Tactics of Extortion Are Encouraged by a Trend of Words Without Consequences

By Alejo Vidal Quadras Foreign Ministers representing the three European signatories of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal responded with predictable condemnation this week when the...