Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Tribute to victims of Iran's 1988 massacre

The West Was Silent on Iran’s 1988 Massacre, and It Must Now Correct the...

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras In 1988, the Iranian regime undertook the systematic massacre of political prisoners. Over the course of several months, approximately 30,000 detainees were...
European Policymakers Have Willfully Embraced Increased Danger of Iranian Attack

European Policymakers Have Willfully Embraced Increased Danger of Iranian Attack

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras As someone who has long recognized and worked to counter the global threat posed by the Iranian regime, I am extremely disappointed...
Struan Stevenson - Blast Should Be Wake-Up Call on Hezbollah's Death Grip on Lebanon

Struan Stevenson – Blast Should Be Wake-Up Call on Hezbollah’s Death Grip on Lebanon

The recent tragic blast in Beirut, Lebanon, and the subsequent protests by people, righteously  against the Iranian regime and its puppet Hezbollah terrorist group,...
At the UN General Assembly, Iran Policy Discussions Should Emphasize Human Rights

At the UN General Assembly, Iran Policy Discussions Should Emphasize Human Rights

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras There is no doubt that Iran will be a major focus of policy debates at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly, but...

Iran’s Coronavirus Outbreak Even Worse Than Fringe Reports Indicated

‌By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Reality continues to chip away at the Iranian regime’s official narrative regarding coronavirus. Ever since Tehran began its efforts to paint a...

When You Say: “Don’t Negotiate With Terrorists”, It Should Include State Terrorists

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Most Western governments are technically in agreement about the principle that says you should never negotiate with terrorists. However, in practice, that...

Mullahs Are Masters of Media Manipulation- by Struan Stevenson

In a new article for United Press International, former European lawmaker Struan Stevenson addresses the Iranian regime's longtime misinformation campaign and systematic deception.  The regime’s demonizing campaign...
After the Anniversary of Iran’s Worst Human Rights Violation, Europe Must Speak Out

After the Anniversary of Iran’s Worst Human Rights Violation, Europe Must Speak Out

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras Western governments have been prone to a misguided approach to Iran for most of its 41-year existence. This is never more evident...
Iran's Mullahs Clutching at Straws in Deal With China

Iran’s Mullahs Clutching at Straws in Deal With China

In a new article for United Press International, former European lawmaker Struan Stevenson addresses the issue of the mullahs' agreement with China - the...
Iran: NCRI’s Summit, the Reflection of a Viable Alternative to the Iranian Regime

Iran: NCRI’s Summit, the Reflection of a Viable Alternative to the Iranian Regime

By: Alejo Vidal-Quadras The leading voices for democracy in Iran recently spoke out in an online conference spanning three days and incorporating participation from more...