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HomeBlog-News and Articles About IranIs there a solution? by Elisabetta Zamparutti 

Is there a solution? by Elisabetta Zamparutti 


by Elisabetta Zamparutti 

Enough has been written and said about the impending disaster that is Iran’s current regime and its nuclear program. But how will it all end? Can we find a way to come together and resolve the myriad crises the state is facing?

According to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the Iranian opposition leader, Tehran is the epicenter of Islamic fundamentalism. This is easily proven by just looking at the situation of Shiite militias in Iraq that are killing Sunnis with impunity. The Ayatollahs hand is in all pies and he’s making a mess of it. The nuclear talks with the west are failing and a nuclear future will only cause Iran to become more aggressive in the region, and more repressive to its own people. The economy is faltering, dissidents are being killed one at a time and Iran is at the mercy of a handful of mullahs now.

There cannot be a new trend in the region unless the mullahs are defeated. The Iranian opposition has been warning the international community about the threat of Islamic fundamentalism for two decades and their warnings have gone unheeded to long by the west. Now the US doesn’t know whether to take Iran’s help in fighting ISIS, put sanctions on it or cut a deal with it. Foreign policy is a mess.

It is high time for a new policy on Iran. Mrs. Rajavi in a recent interview said that the correct policy is for the global community to stand with the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance instead of appeasing the religious fascists of Iran.

This would mean that any offer of diplomacy and trade relations must be contingent upon an end to executions and torture as well as and an end to the regime’s hardness in region politics. Once they are compelled to end executions and torture, they lose their power to intimidate the Iranian people. This may just spark of more widespread dissent against the nuclear program.

The only future that Iran deserves is a democratic one, and that is what people like Rajavi are advocating. This is a policy that does not look for change by fictitious moderates like Rouhani, rather looks for change by other players in Iran, in particular the Iranian organized opposition and moderate Muslims who advocate secular, pluralistic government for Iran and espouse a tolerant, anti-fundamentalist Islam.

The correct policy on Iran also needs to include the recognition of the Iranian People’s Resistance on part of Western players like the US as it is the only party that wants a secular, peaceful an non-nuclear Iran. One would assume that this is also what the US would like to see.

The US should have learnt its lesson from Syria. An escalation in Syria is what created ISIS in the first place. It gave Iran reason to join the fray in Iraq and establish a foothold. Now, the US might just see Iran go the way of Syria, a repressive regime engaged in systematic genocide. The situation has to deescalate in Iraq quickly and Iran’s power must be stunted. Or the whirlpool in the Middle East that is eating up countries and lives will only continue to expand.

Elisabetta Zamparutti is an official of Hands Off Cane, and a former member of the Italian Parliament