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HomeBlog-News and Articles About IranIranians reject NBC’s ‘Fake News’ about the MEK

Iranians reject NBC’s ‘Fake News’ about the MEK

MEK is the main and universally known opposition group of the terrorist and criminal regime in Iran

This month, and Its Popular Support in pic.twitter.com/CJHaaFodUl

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) October 20, 2019

NBC News’ allegations against MEK are baseless and empower the current Iranian regime’s terrorist activities against MEK and its members.  Iran is the number one executioner of women globally.  Since Rouhani became president, 95 women have been executed.  The actual number of executions is estimated to be much higher, as many of these executions occur in secret.

During the 2018 Annual MEK Meeting in Paris, France where 100,000 supporters of Mojahedin attended, the Iranian government attempted to bomb the meeting and kill hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent people.  This terrorist attack was uncovered prior to any danger taking place.  The Iranian regime is the true terrorist in this story.  They continually arrest innocent citizens, dual-nationality citizens, and foreigners based upon false allegations of spying.  NBC News should focus efforts on the stories of these individuals instead of spreading fake news about MEK.

It is important for NBC News to focus on the facts and provide accurate information to the public regarding the current Iranian regime’s terrorist activities, and support organizations like MEK that seek to overthrow the Iranian government and bring the country into a time of modernization and peace.


Hossain_Jahansouz_PhD Hossain Jahansouz, Ph.D.

Member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran