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Iran: Mullahs Terrified of Regime Downfall

Iran: Mullahs Terrified of Regime Downfall

By Mahmoud Hakamian

The Iranian Regime officials are now openly petrified about the chances of being overthrown by the Iranian public during a period in which the mullahs have been rocked by internal and external crises.

Ali Rabiei, former minister of labour and Iranian intelligence officer, recently said: “The Persian year ends while very few people expected such an end at its beginning. Fast developments in international relations and global rules, economic uncertainty, and a change in people’s perceptions and values. We started last year with [US President Donald] Trump’s threats and his unilateral sanctions. A lack of readiness for an internal and effective counteraction and some wrong decision made us end the year in a not very well situation.”

He then went on to acknowledge the economic crisis facing Iran, even noting that it was the incompetence of the mullahs that led Iran to this place, rather than just blaming it on US sanctions.

Rabiei then speculated about the threat of popular uprisings, citing that something had to change in order to keep the mullahs in power.

He said: “I believe that if we continue the new Persian year as before, there won’t be a bright prospect in front of us and I very much imagine the possibility of societal movements and turning of conceptual upheavals into the physical realm.”

While Mostafa Tajzadeh, a member of the so-called moderate faction, advised that it would be necessary to bow to the demands of the international community over things like financial transparency and a new nuclear deal.

He said: “I predict a very difficult year for the country in the economic sector. Especially if the sanctions aren’t lifted and continue, the economic situation will become more complicated and difficult. [Hassan] Rouhani’s government hasn’t much space to maneuver under the sanctions, unless it changes the game of sanctions and instead of chanting that we’ll circumvent the sanctions, finds a way to lift the sanctions and utilizing Iran’s full regional and global potential, starts negotiating with the US and lifts the petro- and banking-sanctions.”

This was agreed to by economist Mohammad Gholi Yousefi, who is close to Rouhani’s faction. He explained that the Iranian economy is suffering from a lack of investment, decreased production, and damaged agriculture, but that Iran does not have many friendly nations to call upon to help, with sanctions only increasing.

He said: “Problems are aggregating and will show themselves one day.”

However, the Regime has shown itself repeatedly to be unwilling to change. The prospects for the mullahs are dark because the Regime is unable to work with other nations or the people of Iran, so the people will rise up against them.

Some will suggest engaging with the international community to fight the crumbling economy, but this will not happen. The mullahs will not give up their plans to export their vile revolution across the globe and, as such, will not find allies. Thus, the Regime will crumble. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.