Maryam Rajavi’s Views on Human Rights


1. Freedom is the greatest gift to humanity. Everyone is duty-bound to defend freedom.

2. Human rights are universal and indivisible.

3. Universal suffrage is the sole criterion for legitimacy. In tomorrow’s Iran all privileges will be abolished and all citizens will be equal before the law.

4. In our platform for the future Iran, political pluralism, freedom of parties and associations will be recognized.

5. We are committed to international covenants and conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, the Convention Against Torture and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women.

6. In the free Iran of tomorrow we defend the abolition of the death penalty and are committed to it.

7. We believe in complete equality between women and men. Women are equal with men in inheritance, testimony, custody, divorce, and all other affairs.

8. We are committed to safeguard all fundamental rights. In the judicial field, we believe in the right to defense, the principle of the presumption of innocence and the due process. Cruel punishments that are sanctioned under Sharia law by manipulating Islam will be abolished. Islam is the religion of merci and tolerance. The mullahs’ inhuman crimes have nothing to do with Islam

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