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Maryam Rajavi calls on Iranians to honor martyrs of uprising and to go on a general strike

NCRI – Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi paid tribute to the martyrs of Iran’s recent uprisings and called on Iranians to stage widespread demonstrations and general strike against the clerical rule in commemoration of the martyrs.


The crumbling and decaying mullahs’ establishment, she said, cannot withstand the Iranian people’s unified determination. She called on all the employees of the Iranian oil industry, workers, teachers, bazaar merchants and other noble sectors of the society to continue their uprisings, protests and general strikes.

The Iranian people and thousands of political prisoners are paying the price of the continued policy of appeasement of the mullahs’ regime, Mrs. Rajavi said and noted that the continuation of this policy is more damaging than ever and doomed to fail. The religious fascism ruling Iran must be expelled from the United Nations and placed under comprehensive sanctions, she reiterated.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 23, 2011