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Demonstrators in Tehran’s Vali-e Asr Square chanting: “In Cairo, In Tehran, Down with Dictator”

Feb. 20 Uprising- No. 4

NCRI – Despite a heavy presence of various suppressive forces in all parts of the city, the people of Tehran – especially the youth – are continuing the demonstrations and clash with the regime’s agents.

Fierce fighting took place among the protesters and plainclothes agents in Enghelab Ave. Angry youths are bravely resisting, chanting and clashing with the agents. Suppressive forces have arrested large numbers of protesters.


In Vali-e Asr Square, people are chanting “In Cairo, In Tehran, Down with Dictator.” All avenues and roads leading to Vali-e Asr Square are closed and the regime’s agents are preventing the people from coming to the area. Only electric buses are allowed to continue their commuting.

Suppressive forces and Bassij militias are creating havoc and noise, attempting to frighten and disperse the people from scenes of clashes.

Herds of State Security Force agents are stationed at the eastern flank of Enghelab Square, and municipality agents have gathered all trash bins to prevent them being set ablaze.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
February 20, 2011