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Iranian Resistance leader calls for UN tough measures on Iran regime

Iranian Resistance leader calls for UN tough measures on Iran regime

NCRI – In a message to the gathering of hundreds of Iranians in Vienna before the headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency today, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance called on the United Nations Security Council to adopt tough measures against mullahs’ regime in Iran. She also called for removal of the Iranian main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, from the US and the EU terror lists. Her call were supported by the participants and speakers in the gathering. The event took place while the governing board of the IAEA was discussing a draft resolution on the clerical regime’s nuclear program. Excerpts of her message are as follows:

"The Iranian people and their organized resistance, see the specter of the mullahs being armed with nuclear weapons as a disaster that would prolong their rule and add to the misfortune of the Iranian people. In the view of the Iranian people, a nuclear armed regime in Tehran would only result in more torture and hangings of Iranian youth. Being armed with nuclear weapons would only bring about the plunder of the Iranian nation and the escalation of poverty, unemployment, prostitution, street children, and homeless and unpaid workers.

"This is why we tell the IAEA board of governors and the world community that if you have the least regard for the fate of Iran’s oppressed people, then it is imperative you abandon once and for all the policy of undue conciliation and futile expectation of improvement in the conduct of the mullahs’ dictatorship. The pain and suffering of the Iranian people and the nightmare facing regional countries must not continue more than it already has.

"Three years ago, the Iranian Resistance put the spotlight on the mullahs’ most secret nuclear sites. That was the most suitable time to hold the mullahs accountable for 18 years of denial and deception. Now, three years later, the statement by the EU-3 foreign ministers acknowledges that "talks with Iran have reached a dead end."

"Those who held the highest political and foreign policy posts in Western countries in recent years underline that from day one it was a mistake to negotiate with the Iranian regime.

"As such, the mullahs took advantage of the opportunity to complete their nuclear sites, reaching a point where today the IAEA chief confirms that the mullahs only need a few months to build a bomb.

"Today, governments in Europe and America acknowledge, albeit with much delay, the essential facts about the regime’s evil designs and its unchangeable nature that the Iranian resistance highlighted for years. There is a consensus among regional countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Persian Gulf states about the dangers of a nuclear-armed regime.

"Nevertheless, indecisiveness continues to undermine the ability to face up to this threat and only gives the mullahs more time to realize their dangerous objectives. This ruinous policy, in addition to the damage of past years, can only lead to an inevitable war. Precisely for this reason, the Iranian Resistance has strongly rejected both appeasement and foreign interference in Iran and championed change by the Iranian people and Resistance. By holding nearly 3,000 strikes and protests in the past seven months, the Iranian people have testified to the viability of this option.

"The fact is that the clerical regime has in the absence of any solution and room to maneuver, once again pinned hope on the world community’s complacency to buy more time. The destiny and freedom of the Iranian nation as well as peace and security in the world, however, makes the adoption of a decisive policy an imperative.

"Accordingly, the Iranian Resistance demands,

– The United Nations Security Council must impose oil, arms, technological and diplomatic sanctions on the clerical regime as the enemy of the Iranian people and peace, tranquility and security in the region and the world, This regime’s leaders must be prosecuted in an international tribunal for torturing and massacring the Iranian people, particularly the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988.
– The United States and Europe must recognize the right of the Iranian people to resist against religious fascism and remove the Mojahedin from terrorist lists.

"These are the demands of the Iranian people across Iran. In unison, they are crying out that they do not want the ruling theocracy."