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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceUrgent Call to Prevent Imminent Execution of Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali...

Urgent Call to Prevent Imminent Execution of Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj Aghaii charged for visiting Ashraf

NCRI – The anti-humane clerical regime is intending to carry out yet another horrific crime. Following the execution of prominent political prisoner Ali Saremi, the clerical regime aims to execute two more political prisoners; Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj Aghaii , for visiting Camp Ashraf in Iraq.


Engulfed with internal crisis and International isolation, alarmed of the increasing wave of public unrests and unable to control internal conflicts and facing widespread internal and international support for its opposition in Ashraf, in reaction to an enclosing dead-end the clerical regime is attempting in vain to create fear to curb increasing public anger and hatred.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, UN Security Council, the UN High Commission for Human Rights and other relative UN organs, human rights organizations and the international community, especially the European Union, to take urgent measures in immediately halting the cruel death sentences of these two political prisoners. The Iranian Resistance stresses that the international community is now faced with a vital obligation and historic decision; Either to support the Iranian people and intensify its actions against the religious fascism ruling Iran which is the disgrace of modern history, or continue negotiating and appeasing the murderers of the Iranian people!

Jafar Kazemi, 47, father of two, who was previously imprisoned from 1981 to 1990, has been sentenced to death for traveling to Camp Ashraf and visiting his son Behrooz. He was arrested on 18 September 2009, and transferred to solitary confinement in Evin Prison’s notorious Ward 209 and placed under torture. Following the Ashura uprising, the Iranian regime’s henchmen imposed severe pressure on Kazemi to force him to participate in despicable shows, sham court hearings and give mandatory confessions. Yet he was sentenced to execution following their failure to have Kazemi succumb to such acts.

Mohammad Ali Haj Aghaii, 62, who in the 1980’s spent 5 years behind bars, was arrested on 18 September 2009, and given the death sentence for supporting the PMOI and traveling to Ashraf. The regime’s henchmen did not abide by their own laws in issuing his sentence, refraining to even hand over a copy of Aghaii’s file to his lawyer.

Due to the tortures and abuses they have been subjected to imprisonment, both prisoners are in critical conditions and deprived of medical attention for months.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 9, 2011