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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsTruck drivers launch strike in reaction to rising fuel costs

Truck drivers launch strike in reaction to rising fuel costs

NCRI – Truck drivers in Ahvaz have gone on strike in protest to rising gas prices on Saturday. Transportation in the city of Khouzestan has come to a halt as a result of the union strike and the regime’s Herasat (intelligence) office at the syndicate is pleading with the drivers to resume work, but to no avail.

Following the subsidies cut by the government of the mullahs’ President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad this month, gasoline prices have jumped from 165 rials/liter to 3,500 rials/liter (1 US dollar = 10,000 rials).

One of the strikers complained that the regime’s subsidy cut is actually intended to cripple the people.

A company owner said fuel costs used to be around $100 a month but now that amount has jumped to $2,700 per month, effectively shutting down operations.

Another owner of food transportation services said, “Fuel costs have jumped 150 percent and I can no longer justify food prices with this cost. I have effectively been crippled when it comes to mass production.”