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Iranian regime uses stalling tactic in bid to delay referral to UN Security Council

Iranian regime uses stalling tactic in bid to delay referral to UN Security CouncilAli Larijani, Secretary of the clerical regime’s Supreme National Security Council, said on his return from a trip to Russia and China today that the Russian plan is “not sufficient for Iran’s needs… We’ve had negotiations and we will have more negotiations.” Larijani’s remarks come only 48 hours after he declared while in Russia that the regime had a positive view of the plan.

Larijani’s latest remarks and those of other officials of the clerical regime are part of the regime’s obfuscation and lies in a bid to delay referral of its nuclear file to the UN Security Council and to buy more time to complete its nuclear weapons projects. 

The regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, as well as Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and other leaders of the regime had all previously stressed the need to enrich uranium on Iranian soil and had referred to the Russian plan as complementary.

The Iranian Resistance once again cautions against Tehran’s deceiving remarks and actions and stresses the danger of any further delay in referring the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council for world peace and security. The time has come for the UN Security Council to adopt comprehensive sanctions against the clerical regime without further delay.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 27, 2006