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HomeStatementsStatements: Iran ResistanceProtest gatherings in Sharif, Tehran and Science & Technology universities

Protest gatherings in Sharif, Tehran and Science & Technology universities

file PhotoStudent Day Protest – No. 2

NCRI – At lunchtime today, Hundreds of students at Tehran’s Sharif University were chanting “Death to the dictator” together with people who had gathered outside the university in support of their protest.


Tehran University is surrounded with anti-riot and other suppressive forces. Thousands of Tehran residents have gathered in streets around the university since this morning in support of students’ protest. The suppressive forces equipped with electric batons and bullet proof vests are preventing people from going in and out of the university. A number of youths were arrested as they were passing by the university.

Hundreds of students have staged a gathering at the University of Science & Technology.

A larger number of Revolutionary Guards, plainclothes agents and various other suppressive agents are on streets today. Suppressive forces are stationed at metro stations, particularly the ones in city center.

Yesterday afternoon, students in Polytechnic, Tehran University and Arts University staged demonstrations chanting “Death to the dictator.” During these protests at least three Polytechnic students and one female student from Arts University were arrested. The suppressive forces are preventing people from joining the students by forming lines in front of university entrances and surrounding the students.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 7, 2010