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Iranian regime uses Russian plan to deceive world community

Iranian regime uses Russian plan to deceive world communityMullahs seek to delay referral to UN Security Council
NCRI – Ali Larijani, Secretary of the clerical regime’s Supreme National Security Council, said in Moscow today that Tehran views the Russian plan “positively,” in a devious bid by Tehran to obfuscate and throw international efforts at referring its file to the UN Security Council off track. He added that the plan should be completed in negotiations in February and threatened that if Tehran’s file is referred to the Security Council, it would scupper the Russian deal and the clerical regime would resume full industrial-scale uranium enrichment.

Larijani’s latest remarks are yet another subterfuge and posturing to delay referral of Tehran’s file to the Security Council. The Iranian Resistance notes that the world community, and in particular the European Union, have for the past three and a half years, witnessed the mullahs’ repeated tricks and devious political manipulations in a bid to further their nuclear projects. The Resistance warns that any hesitation or delay in referring the clerical regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council will only give the mullahs valuable time to acquire a nuclear bomb. The time has come for the UN Security Council to adopt comprehensive sanctions against the clerical regime without further delay.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
January 25, 2006