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HomeStatementsStatements: Terrorism & FundamentalismAhmadinejad must be banned from entering US following remarks against 9/11

Ahmadinejad must be banned from entering US following remarks against 9/11

23 septembre 2010 NCRI – Following Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s shameless and repugnant remarks at the United Nations General Assembly about the September 11 tragedy in New York that outraged the world community, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said: When the president of the religious fascism ruling Iran is allowed into the United States and the United Nations despite the opposition of an absolute majority of the Iranians instead of putting him on trial for crimes against humanity, it is not surprising to see him go further by questioning the facts of September 11, close to where this massive crime took place, and to ridicule the people of New York and relatives of the victims of this tragedy.

Rajavi-NYNCRI – Following Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s shameless and repugnant remarks at the United Nations General Assembly about the September 11 tragedy in New York that outraged the world community, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said: When the president of the religious fascism ruling Iran is allowed into the United States and the United Nations despite the opposition of an absolute majority of the Iranians instead of putting him on trial for crimes against humanity, it is not surprising to see him go further by questioning the facts of September 11, close to where this massive crime took place, and to ridicule the people of New York and relatives of the victims of this tragedy. 

The policy of appeasement and conciliation towards the Iranian regime has embolden it to the extent that this terrorist Pasdar (Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guard), who claims to be president, blames the US Government for the September 11 tragedy. It is he who should be held to account instead for the suppression, torture and massacre of dissidents and fraudulent elections in Iran, for the export of terrorism, building secret nuclear centers – one of which was recently revealed by the Resistance – and for the 20-month siege on Camp Ashraf and the massacre of its residents on July 28 and 29 last year and their ongoing psychological torture for the past eight months.

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated: The US President and Administration should immediately declare a permanent ban on Ahmadinejad’s entry into the United States for his hideous remarks and shameful behavior. The aim of the regime for this shameful allegation, before anything, is to overshadow the prime issue in Iran that is the growing unpopularity of this regime which leaves it with no alternative but to be overthrown in disgrace.

It is a well-known ploy of the Iranian regime to attribute its own inhumane crimes to its victims. The regime that has executed some 120,000 political prisoners, including some 30,000 during the 1988 massacre, in three decades of its rule has shamelessly claimed that the victims had tortured themselves. When many pilgrims were killed in Mecca in 1987, when Christian Iranian pastors were murdered in 1994, when the holy shrine of Imam Reza in Mashhad was bombed in 1994, the Iranian regime attributed them to the opposition PMOI. Moreover, the Iranian regime blamed the killing of Neda Agha Sultan in a Tehran street last year on the PMOI, U.S., Britain and France by fabricating various bogus reports and films. This heinous crime was viewed on televisions by millions across the world.

Simultaneous with Ahmadinejad’s absurd remarks at the United Nations General Assembly, the courageous representatives of the Iranian people and friends of Ashraf echoed the people’s cry for freedom loudly during the largest gathering of Iranians in New York close to the UN.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 25, 2010