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Mullahs’ ridiculous show in Iraq’s city of Khalis aimed to intensify suppression of Ashraf residents

Sample ImageNCRI – The agents of the Iranian regime in Diyala province of Iraq set up a photo exhibition in the city of Khalis, 20 km from Camp Ashraf, on September 16. The exhibition was falsely claimed as being organized by the local tribes. It was intended to counter widespread support for the residents of Ashraf among local residents. By presenting fabricated propaganda material, the exhibition intended to give the impression that the people of Diyala want Ashraf residents out. The aim of the event was to lay the ground work for an attack on Ashraf and launch a new bloodbath. The regime plans to set up similar exhibitions in Salaheddin and Kirkuk provinces.

Iraq’s National Council of Tribes in a statement said, “The despicable plan is in no way connected to the tribes of Diyala. This is just an attempt by the Iranian regime to expand its presence in Diyala province. The Iranian regime’s new ambassador to Iraq, Hassan Danaie-Far, is directly involved in this plan and he will probably attend the exhibition.”

The main agent responsible for this ridiculous show is Jabar Odeh al-Maamouri from the terrorist Quds force who is a veteran member of the Nine Badr Brigade. He had spent 27 years in Iran. He was recruited by the Iranian regime’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps in October 1987 and now he is on the Quds force’s pay roll. His file number with Quds force is 11748.

He was given a CD containing 100 pictures to be printed in Baghdad and put on display. These pictures had been displayed previously in various cities in Iran in a demonizing campaign against the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

Another agent involved in this project is Ali al-Zahiri, who is the head of the support council of Khalis, operating under the command of Odeh. He went to Iran last August to be briefed by the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) in the western Iranian city of Kermanshah and he was provided with large sums of money to distribute among agents involved in the project.

Ahlam Qasem Jasim al-Maliki, a well-known agent of the Iranian regime based in Baqubah, has been paid significant amounts by MOIS to send out invitation cards for the exhibition. He is the editor of Baladi weekly that is funded by the MOIS. In order to encourage people to go to the exhibition, they have spread a rumor among local residents that every visitor would receive $100.

According to a plan by the Iranian regime, its agents are going to falsely claim that 1.5 million Iraqis have signed a petition calling for expulsion of Ashraf residents from Iraq. This is a disgraceful reaction to a statement in support of PMOI by 480,000 residents of Diyala province announced last June.

The Iranian Resistance draws the attention of UNAMI, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Iraq, and the American officials and military commanders in Iraq to the Iranian regime’s plots intended to prepare the grounds for suppressive measures and further pressures against the residents of Ashraf by means of spreading misinformation and psychological warfare.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
September 17, 2010