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HomeStatementsStatements: Ashraf / LibertyNew plots against Camp Ashraf residents by Iranian regime's intelligence

New plots against Camp Ashraf residents by Iranian regime’s intelligence

Achraf entrée principaleNCRI – Following the failure of the Iranian regime’s scandalous campaign of psychological torture of Camp Ashraf residents in Iraq by agents of its Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) dispatched from Iran, the terrorist Quds force has assigned Oday Khadhran, the Governor of city of Khalis, where Ashraf is located, to take a number of the regime’s agents posing as sheikhs and journalists to the entrance of Ashraf. They are planned to call for expulsion of the residents of Ashraf, members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), and to give morale support to the regime’s agents who have been stationed at the entrance of Ashraf for the past six months. To this end, Khadhran visited Salam, Anbakieh and Ajimi villages in Sarachiq district on August 3 and visited Jizani district on August 5 accompanied by Mohammad Sattar Helal from Badr group of the terrorist Quds force.

Khadhran is a well-known agent of the Iranian regime who has infiltrated a number of the regime’s agents into the Iraqi Army. He was removed from his post as governor for a while and was under house arrest but he was reinstated with the regime’s efforts. He has already organized a number stage managed demonstrations in Khalis against Ashraf upon the instructions of the regime that paid for them. His efforts against Ashraf is despised by local residents and last year he insisted that the 36 residents of Ashraf who had been taken hostage by the Iraqi forces to remain in detention after 72 days of hunger strike.

In the meantime, the committee in Iraqi prime minister’s office tasked to suppress Ashraf residents is refusing to allow cooling systems purchased by the residents into Ashraf. The cooling systems are intended for the patients’ resting place and to store food in the summer heat of exceeding 50oC. The Iraqi committee states that as the residents are going to move out of Ashraf, therefore, there is no need for cooling systems.

The committee is resorting to such a ridiculous pretext while the Iranian regime's plots for displacement of Ashraf residents have failed. At the Iranian regime's request, Nouri al-Maliki's government had planned to displace Ashraf residents to Naqreh Sultan dessert area in southern Iraq on December 15, 2009, but later was forced to back away due to widespread opposition inside Iraq and by the international community. On December 15, the Iraqi forces entered Ashraf and asked the residents to leave the camp but not even one person conceded.

Some 3,500 parliamentarians from across Europe and North America including the majority of 23 national parliaments, while expressing their support for the rights of Ashraf residents as "protected persons" under the Fourth Geneva Convention, called on the US Government, the American forces in Iraq and the United Nations to protect Ashraf residents against any violence and forcible displacement inside Iraq which has no aim other than the repeat of the July 2009 carnage.

The Iranian Resistance calls on the United Nations Secretary General and his special representative for Iraq, the American officials and commanders of the US forces in Iraq to establish a permanent monitoring office in Ashraf, return the American forces to the camp to protect the residents according to the individual agreements signed with every Ashraf resident and to provide protection for the UNAMI monitoring team.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 9, 2010