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HomeStatementsStatements: Human RightsIran: Mullahs' judiciary reaffirms death sentence for Jaafar Kazemi a political prisoner

Iran: Mullahs’ judiciary reaffirms death sentence for Jaafar Kazemi a political prisoner

Iran: Mullahs' judiciary reaffirms death sentence for a political prisonerHe is found to be “mohareb” because of his son’s stay in Ashraf

NCRI – Iranian regime’s judiciary reaffirmed the death sentence for Jaafar Kazemi, a political prisoner charged with supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). The Iranian Resistance calls on the UN Secretary General, Security Council, High Commissioner for Human Rights and all human rights organization to take urgent measures to save the lives of Mr. Kazemi and other political prisoners.

Mr. Kazemi, 47, former political prisoner during 1980s, was rearrested on September 18, 2009 and transferred to Tehran’s Evin prison. He was subjected to torture and medieval pressures in order to repent and give forced confession in kangaroo courts. When faced his defiance, the regime sentenced him to death on April 26 charged with “mohareb” (enemy of God) and “involvement in propaganda against the regime through cooperation with hostile groups.”

Contrary to the regime’s law, his sentence was not examined by the mullahs’ Supreme Court and instead, one of the branches of courts in Tehran headed by mullah Zargar reaffirmed the sentence. Zargar is responsible for the death of many members and supporters of the PMOI and other opponents of the regime.

According to another report, the prison authorities in Evin have suddenly cut off all contacts between the political prisoners in Ward 350 and their families. This has caused concern for the families of those prisoners who have been sentenced to death.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 30, 2010